1. D

    td5 Auto vrs manual, which is the Best?

    Sorry to drag this old thread up but thought it was a good place to ask my questions! A couple of years have gone by since these answers so I was wondering if there was any better products on the market to improve mpg and performance of an auto disco (I'm looking at a 2001-2003 discovery). I...
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    Auto v manual

    Oooh, I see. Very good. I will be getting plenty of them I'm sure.
  3. D

    Auto v manual

    Haha, thanks for your ideas. By the way, what's SPG?:o
  4. D

    Auto v manual

    I've had a few people tell me now that I should get a manual td5 as opposed to an auto as they have a better fuel economy. Is this really the case, or is there not much in it?
  5. D

    Hi All :-)

    Thought as much!!:D
  6. D

    Hi All :-)

    Yes mate, I had to! Sounds expensive?
  7. D

    Hi All :-)

    Haha, learnt something already. Never heard of the ACE system!
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    Hi All :-)

    Just a quick hello, My name is Daniel and I'm a freight train driver from Harwich, Essex. I'm interested in getting a "disco" td5 and thought I would join here first to pick your brains and generally get some info on them. I used to own a defender but now want a bit more comfort but still...