
Active Member
Just a quick hello,
My name is Daniel and I'm a freight train driver from Harwich, Essex.
I'm interested in getting a "disco" td5 and thought I would join here first to pick your brains and generally get some info on them.
I used to own a defender but now want a bit more comfort but still have good off road ability.
Daniel, Danny, Dan or whatever else you want call me!

Tis worth using the seach, there's tons of info floating about....Happy reading :)
Depends what goes wrong with it ;)
The system has been bypassed on mine: Just a pulley on a bracket instead of the pump and a diagnostic tool has told the Disco's brain (ECU) that it doesn't have ACE. Took me ages to figure out what had been done and why I still had a Landy that did not roll over through a hedge when cornering! The rams default to a locked condition for safety I guess, so it's like having a beefy anti-roll bar.
welcome. The reason I got a discovery was because the ace system had failed. I bought it a converted it to standard anti roll bars using a kit from dls landrover.

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