1. E

    Colin Bell of UK Land Rover Events...

    Have added some pics. :p
  2. E

    Colin Bell of UK Land Rover Events...

    Is bloomin' fantastic. We have just spent an experience day with him on the Yorkshire Moors driving his Defender. He is incredibly nice, very patient and took us on some wild terrain. What a day! Mr Esm says its the best day he has had in years. Xx
  3. E

    Kentdale, Kendal 10/10

    James is the salesman we dealt with. Xx
  4. E

    I've got a brand new 90...

    It blimmin is! Cant wait for the skip to go.
  5. E

    Kentdale, Kendal 10/10

    What a fantastic dealership they are. Lola needed a new door switch. Kentdale are over twenty miles away. They sent a bloke to pick her up this morning, left me with a brand new 90, fixed the switch, replaced a cracked headlight and even gave her a wash, before returning her to me. No charge...
  6. E

    I've got a brand new 90...

    I took our dog down to the beach in it today and have already filled the back with sand. Its only got a hundred miles on the clock.
  7. E

    I've got a brand new 90...

    I agree. Bit too clean. Dont like the colour...too dreary...but luverly to drive.
  8. E

    I've got a brand new 90...

    You want a pic of a borrowed Defender? Sigh...off to get camera...
  9. E

    I've got a brand new 90...

    Only for the day. Lola has been carted off to the dealers for repair...well...I mean...she IS two months old after all! :confused: Anyway, I really like the 90. Not as much as Lola obviously, but it is nippy and quite fast in comparison. A bit like the sports car of Defenders. :D Esm xx
  10. E

    Why do you love your Defender?

    Ha ha! That reminds me of the last time I filled up the fuel and went to pay. The bloke behind the till said 'oh is it the Jeep to pay for?' I looked at him in horror and said 'JEEP???? That's not a Bluddy Jeep!!!! THAT'S A DEFENDER!!!' He took it well and laughed and apologised. ;)
  11. E

    Immobilized defender 90 xs 2003

    Lola is brand new...so surely the battery would be okay...no? Plus we have just come back from Devon and she has had lots of motorway runs. Esm xx
  12. E

    Immobilized defender 90 xs 2003

    I think it was all the rain we've had. Our Lola went berserk on Monday. Kept sounding the alarm every twenty minutes or so. I decided to give up and just lock it with the key, but every time I turned the key, it sprang back to open. In the end, we left it unlocked all night. Took her to the...
  13. E

    Why do you love your Defender?

    I love our Defender because it is fun and very enjoyable to drive. I love the way that other Defender owners nearly always give a wave or a thumbs up.
  14. E

    Tyre pressures?

    Thanks very much for that. :) Esm xx
  15. E

    Tyre pressures?

    What should the tyre pressures be on a 110 station wagon, for ordinary road use? Currently, from the dealers, ours reads...40 psi rear tyres and 30 psi front tyres. Tag details on The Pillar say 48 40. Esm xx
  16. E

    The Beast!

    Why not? Are landy toys not allowed over there? Esm xx
  17. E

    The Beast!

    It could look quite nifty in gold. :)
  18. E

    The Beast!

  19. E

    The Beast!

    I don't mind a bit. So long as they're friendly. :) Esm xx