1. WoodyO

    Wanted Sorted: 2.25 or 2.5 N/A diesel engine

    Thanks for the post, I actually got myself a 200 tdi which is undergoing a full rebuild currently, so thanks but I'm all good now!
  2. WoodyO

    200 tdi timing case, damage to oil seal housing

    Afternoon all, Another chapter in the 200 tdi saga. Whilst getting the crank gear/pulley off (very tight, needed a puller), the timing case got a little damaged, as per photos. A bit of crack and the hole for the oil seal is slightly out of round. Any suggestions? Waiting to hear back from...
  3. WoodyO

    Slightly bent headgasket, use or not...

    Thanks for affirmation, have contacted the seller who's sending a new one out.
  4. WoodyO

    Slightly bent headgasket, use or not...

    New gasket arrived slightly bent, no crease in the ring but looks to be coming away from the gasket slightly. Tempted to put it in knowing the pressure from torquing up, but would be good to have opinions.
  5. WoodyO

    200 tdi camshaft wear

    Wasn't quite happy with putting it back together knowing the cam was stiffer than it should be. Took a razor blade to the shiney spots on the cam bearing and gently reamed it down, took a few attempts but now turns freely with only a small amount of bearing removed. Core plugs back in and...
  6. WoodyO

    200 tdi camshaft wear

    New bushes arrived today, much easier to fit, straight in and easily aligned. However, bearing no. 1 is a little stiff to turn, tried shifting it back and forward a couple of times in case it was misaligned but didn't help. Tempted to carry on with the build and hope it beds in slightly...
  7. WoodyO

    Opportunity to Join Africa Adventure

    Your 101 is terrible, but if it's genuine have you contacted the RNRMORT?
  8. WoodyO

    200 tdi camshaft wear

    No... I hadn't seen that! Thanks Steve, that's helped a lot. The most frustrating bit was using the Turner split bearings, as you couldn't tighten the tool without opening the bearing up too much to fit in the opening, then you also had the ridge when fitted. So I'll use the suggestion from...
  9. WoodyO

    200 tdi camshaft wear

    So it turns out installing new cam bearings is a bit of a pain. Took a while to get each bearings lined up with the oil port in the block, taking a few attempts with a couple of the bearings which didn't help the finish. Bearing no.3 now had a ridge where the split/gap is on the bearing...
  10. WoodyO

    Series 3 Series / Defender ignition barrel compatibility

    Afternoon all, I'm looking to swap my original 2.25 diesel ignition barrel (w/ pull to stop) for a Defender barrel giving the right terminals for a 200 tdi conversion. Can anyone confirm which part numbers actually fit the Series steering column? The research I've some has suggested there are...
  11. WoodyO

    200 tdi cylinder wear

  12. WoodyO

    200 tdi cylinder wear

    Thanks, I'm at the point now where I need to draw the line in terms of spending really. I think I'm going to put it back together with new rings, hone the remaining cylinders and see how it runs. With the little use it's going to have I'd rather take the chance than spend another few hundred...
  13. WoodyO

    200 tdi cylinder wear

    So the staining cleaned up, but there's a slight bit of pitting you can just about feel with a bare finger. I know it should be bored and lined, or oversized piston, but I'm tempted to put it back as it is and see how it runs. Edit, rings are out of spec so will be getting replaced. I'll call...
  14. WoodyO

    200 tdi cylinder wear

    Bearings weren't too bad but I've got replacements for them all along with camshaft bearings. So it seems a bit silly to not change the rings while I've got it all apart, but I need to draw the line somewhere as I've just bought a new house and can't keep hiding money from her 👀
  15. WoodyO

    200 tdi cylinder wear

    I'll have another attempt at cleaning the staining off, but it didn't seem to shift before with an oily rag. Not had rings off the pistons yet to check gap, that's a job for tomorrow. Fingers crossed I'll have a couple of honing tools to borrow tomorrow too, so if it doesn't shift with another...