1. steve2286w

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Just pop round local stables and ask, then you can choose which one has best access and muck, they’re glad to get rid, we even have a tipper transit deliver fresh once a week but prefer the well rotted which was available within 5 mile
  2. steve2286w

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Correct horse poo! But we’ll rotted and not unpleasant 😀
  3. steve2286w


    There’s a few companies do this sort of thing https://www.jakewright.com/upgrades/land-rover-chassis-swaps
  4. steve2286w

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Old landies good for allotment , insurance £100yr
  5. steve2286w

    Metal type

    Has anyone used Corten steel sheet for its corrosion resistance as used in the Angel of the North Seen chassis suppliers use 3mm for HD chassis
  6. steve2286w

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Took a tree to the skips that I cut down yesterday as it was ruining the wife’s sunbathing and re taxed it online for NIL pounds 😎
  7. steve2286w

    New Rattle Noise (w/ Video)

    Have a shuffle underneath no jacks reqd see what’s loose
  8. steve2286w

    Twisted quill under injection pump

    https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/injector-pump-drive-gear.385805/ Did you get the EP mark checked against the max valve lift using dti as manual says when fitted new chain As above can take a bit tinkering
  9. steve2286w

    Yuasa battery Halfords £103.

    Very good fir the silver Yuasa 5 yr guarantee?
  10. steve2286w

    Skew gear timing

    Hi Dan Nowhere near I'm afraid , what I did with mine was to work out how much it turns as you lower the housing onto the cam gear and adjust for that , think I also turned the oil pump spindle with home made tool incase that was twisting it out of alignment
  11. steve2286w

    Can you help me the engine code of this V8 3.5

    956xxxxxx 101FC petrol 3528cc V8 Not sure year but if you clean the block you might see some letters and numbers to identify the cast date The first one or two numbers are the date in the month it was built (1 to 31) The next digit will be a letter (A = Jan, B = Feb etc) The letter I is not...
  12. steve2286w

    200 tdi camshaft wear

    Oh feck Guess you seen the u tube vids
  13. steve2286w

    200 tdi cylinder wear

    My 2286 in April 23 cost £240+ vat for a 20thou rebore and got some new set MAHLE pistons £90 off eBay
  14. steve2286w

    200 tdi cylinder wear

    just checked what i bought and didnt include rings as they were fine with the gaps, and i would sooner keep original than britpart rings but i got my stuff from turner engineering which have quality bits. whats your bearings like
  15. steve2286w

    200 tdi cylinder wear

    I wouldn’t go near it with valve lapping paste and if the original hone lines are there it won’t need any more, the rusty stains as long as no pitting not an issue, just an oily cloth if it’s standing a while Have you gapped the rings in the bore to check the end gaps with book they might be in...