Hi, Have a read of UP's post to do the injector seals and he covers the adjustment at the end.
As above for the EKA then check the receiver in the roof lining in front of the rear sunroof is receieving the fob signal. If you do have to replace it it's plug and play. No programming needed.
+1 with Fery. There should be nothing on the plastic halves of the fob -it's all on the ciruit board.
As others have said all you need to do is swop your "old" curcuit board into the new casing.
Sorry I'm too far away to help with Nanocom
Don't see why changing the car battry should cause this problem. Try using your key as close to the sensor as possible. Located in roof linning just in front of rear sunroof. Can you get your hands on a spare receiver to try that. No programming needed- plug and play.
Does the door button pop up? Can you unlock/lock the doors with interior dash switch? I'm thinking it may be a faulty lock mechanism. I'm sure the more knowlegable will be along soon.
Logically it sounds like it's adjusted too much and there is not enough free play. Does the drum feel hot after a run indicating the shoes are rubbing?
Known leaking points are the pipes that run under the rad, the PAS pump and the rubber pipe from the resevour that runs close to the sump. Has a "U" bend in it