1. K

    Wiper trouble

    I have some issues with the wipers on my 1996 300 tdi Defender. I have isolated the problem to be with the motor, since wipers move easy. With a little help (a knock from at screwdriver or little hammer) it starts and runs normally. Without help it will not start unless I turn to max speed...
  2. K

    Dying 300 Tdi

    My 1996 Defender with a 300 Tdi has recently awaken form a long coma... It starts fine, and idles perfect. The moment i depress the accellerator the engine loses power and dies. Any thougts on the reason and possible cure??
  3. K

    1996 Defender

    The source of my electrical problems are located. Its that blue plastic thingy behind everything in the dashboard... How do I get to it in a civilized way withi\out breaking the whole car apart???
  4. K

    1996 Defender

    During my travel around the defender this show UP.... whats it for? Is it Just another plug with no function
  5. K

    1996 Defender

    Where do i find the earth connection point for the wipers?? I Think thats the best place to begin.
  6. K

    1996 Defender

    Light switch was changed yesterday.. No change:(
  7. K

    1996 Defender

    Uppdate: The problems seem to centered around the wiperswitch or related to the wipers. When the switch is connected everything fu... up. When disconnected things go back to almosts normal. Pity I sold my spare wiper switch last week.
  8. K

    1996 Defender

    Happiness is short lived. Electric trouble this time... started a few days ago when i turned on the headlights. The wipers started also.... indicators works fine in the rear, but not in the front. The problems Come andre go and i dont understand where to start. Many points out the blue...
  9. K

    Crossmember removal?

    I removed mine by cutting it to pieces..... and cut the old bolts with an mini angle grinder. A bigger challenge will be fitting the new one.
  10. K

    1996 Defender

    Time to do some electrical work now..... These cable bundles seem to grow by the time...
  11. K

    1996 Defender

    Its alive!!!! After a pretty violent break in to get to the solenoid, and some improvised cable work the engine fired up..... Quite happy now!!! The rest is just quality time..;)
  12. K

    1996 Defender

    Breaking into this is almost impossible.... but i guess thats the point. I have removed the plastic cover, but how do i cut the bolts without damaging the pump. Anglegrinder is a bit overkill :):) Any tips??
  13. K

    1996 Defender

    Ok guys.. starter relay works with extra ground. Starter cranks engine, but no diesel. I suspect faulty cut off solenoid an have a new one. But how to get to the solenoid? Its covered by a sort of plastic/metal cover that has three wires running into it. Is there any way of getting to the...
  14. K

    1996 Defender

    @Kurt Gustafson, this might seem obvious, but have you put new batteries in your key fob? If your landy battery and fob battery have been dead for two years then your fob and immobiliser might have lost synchronisation. There's a way to over come the fob de-activated immobiliser by using the...
  15. K

    1996 Defender

    Starter turns the engine when I put xtra earth from pin 86 on the starter relay to the negative terminal on the battery. The original wire from Pin 86 runs to an alarm ECU. My next task is to locate this alarm ECU. I think there is something related to the immobilizer/alarm ECU.