1. Khemitude

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Oh I know i worry too much a lot of the time my mental health definitely gets the better of me. Wish it wasn’t so but that’s the hand I was dealt.
  2. Khemitude

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    I was told it was residents only by the council when I moved in. And like I say technically my council is not the council that actually is responsible for the roads so it could be argued that it’s completely separate land from the roads as the county council doesn’t maintain that bit of land...
  3. Khemitude

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Like I say with any luck I’ve headed them off by taxing it the same day but who knows. Just a shame that I’m gonna have to get rid of the p38 for it the freelander to hopefully not get fined. Feels strange going back to it being lower down and what not and back to a manual as the main reason I...
  4. Khemitude

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Exactly it took me 45 minutes on hold before anyone answered and in fact first time I called it said they were busy and call back another time and immediately hung up on me. So I could argue to he point that I tried calling first thing in the morning before anyone came out to the car and...
  5. Khemitude

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Well my hand has been forced due to some ****hole of a neighbour and gonna have to sell the p38 I had my freelander sorta sorn’d in the car park just for the flats basically behind the flats that’s is also down a cul-de-sac. The reason I say sort of sorn’d is because when I tried to sorn it...
  6. Khemitude

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Well didn’t bypass it today couldn’t get the hose to even pull off the nipple to try the bypass, might have another go in the week but didn’t want to try a screwdriver and damage the hose too much. Just gonna keep an eye on the level for now. Oil had dropped enough to where I felt good enough...
  7. Khemitude

    P38A automatic gearbox remains in Park despite selector lever setting

    Surely by moving the xyz switch to what would be neutral position of cable was attached it will then allow it to roll, I say this based on my mates p38 that is deader than dead but moving the gear selector to the neutral position allows it to move.
  8. Khemitude

    P38A automatic gearbox remains in Park despite selector lever setting

    Your mot welcome, presumably with it being sat for quite a while it was just a case of rust doing its thing that when finally moved it was just weak enough to shear. Be interesting to hear how you get on as I reckon mine could do with a new cable anyway. Though I reckon likelyhood of getting...
  9. Khemitude

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Picked up a bit of copper pipe from the hose place yesterday had to buy a metre minimum but ended up getting them to cut a smaller piece off that anyway and flare the ends slightly for me so I can bend it into a U and use it as a bypass for the leaking throttle body heater plate. Can't see much...
  10. Khemitude

    P38A automatic gearbox remains in Park despite selector lever setting

    I second this, I'm currently having issues with the xyz switch sometimes thinking its in the wrong gear and if i then move it down to the numbered ones it reads correctly for the rest of the day but If i'm not quick enough when it goes to happen it will specifically come up with gearbox fault...
  11. Khemitude

    P38A Duchess won't fire up.

    Righto sorry about being late about it not managed to get round there till today as I needed to pick up a bit of copper pipe to bypass my throttle body heater. I’ll attach a couple of pics of what they have. They say they have had no complaints about it. £3.50 cash price or about £5 for list...
  12. Khemitude

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Well just pulled up at home and grabbed my little torch to make a note of where the coolant level is just to be sure to see where it sits at tomorrow after cooling down over night and though i'd look at a couple of other things, still got a bloody coolant leak! notices a little wetness on the...
  13. Khemitude

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Aviva used to be the best for me by a country mile then after I had to claim on the xtrail when I was with they quote me so far above what everyone else does I don’t even think about them anymore. Been to the Black Country living museum before quite enjoyed it though the on site chip shop was...
  14. Khemitude

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Fair play, technically both of my parents are from brum, my mum was sparkhill till she was 10 and my dad was technically Cole’s hill but was born in a Birmingham hospital so it counts lol. Though they don’t really have the accent anymore maybe a little twang on certain words. My dads brother on...
  15. Khemitude

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Good god that really is having a laugh then. Gone are the days where you used to be able to decided if you wanted to keep a car because of repairs and how well it runs these days it really does matter on insurance alone. For a bit on of perspective sometimes though they’re are good deals out...