So, the LHD P38 passed the CT (MOT) with no advisories:) so we did our biweekly long shopping run in it and found it had developed the dreaded 60mph shimmy:-( All the steering joints are new as are the CV joints, It was not there before the CT so when we got home I checked the tyre pressure as the tester always checks the pressure. The plonker had blown the fronts up to 40psi. Back down at 28psi, I'm hopeful the shimmy has gone.
This afternoon I spent pulling useful bits off the scrapper. Mirrors, WABCO pump assembly, rotary coupler, indicator stalks, interior door handles, EAS dryer and the crank damper.

You're trying to free up space?

My scrapper is used as a sort of mobile shed for what's currently off the other one!
Gi' it a wesh
Well my hand has been forced due to some ****hole of a neighbour and gonna have to sell the p38

I had my freelander sorta sorn’d in the car park just for the flats basically behind the flats that’s is also down a cul-de-sac. The reason I say sort of sorn’d is because when I tried to sorn it online at the end of April at the end of it the submitting it gave an error and said the sorn was unsuccessful and that any confirmation by email was invalid so I thought I’d just leave it and sure enough they took mays money for tax.

Bearing in mind I’m the only one in the block with a car so no one else uses the car park but me and it wasn’t lacking room anyway.

Come the 1st of this month I was looking out my kitchen window when a dvla or whatever they call themselves these days van pulled up they immediately got out and stuck a noticed under the wiper for the freelander saying it’s untaxed and I’m being reported for enforcement. So obviously some busy body has contacted them to report it.

Since the sorn told me it was unsuccessful I thought I’d ring up the dvla as money didn’t actually come out on the 1st I rang up on the 1st aswell about an hour after the notice had been put on the car. Didn’t say anything about the notice but just made out I enquiring why the tax hadn’t come out that day and after they did some digging they said the sorn is showing as valid there end I explained that it told me it wasn’t but they said it needs to be taxed so taxed it immediately and also swapped insurance back to the freelander to hopefully try to head off any fine especially since looking online it says that the fine is £30 plus twice the outstanding tax and when reading through the legislation it says the outstanding tax mean the full year so in that case they would want about £800 fine.

Hopefully I’ve headed them off by taxing it the same day and arguably I’ve got a leg to stand on since there system told me it wasn’t a successful sorn but still it’s had one hell of an effect on my mental health.

Bloody busy bodies why make a fuss when it wasn’t affecting anybody whatsoever sitting there waiting for it to be sold.
Time and time again dvla and their systems have been proven incompetent yet every time it's your fault and you're the one who's worse off. Same with any form of tax. Bassoons, the lot of 'em
Well my hand has been forced due to some ****hole of a neighbour and gonna have to sell the p38

I had my freelander sorta sorn’d in the car park just for the flats basically behind the flats that’s is also down a cul-de-sac. The reason I say sort of sorn’d is because when I tried to sorn it online at the end of April at the end of it the submitting it gave an error and said the sorn was unsuccessful and that any confirmation by email was invalid so I thought I’d just leave it and sure enough they took mays money for tax.

Bearing in mind I’m the only one in the block with a car so no one else uses the car park but me and it wasn’t lacking room anyway.

Come the 1st of this month I was looking out my kitchen window when a dvla or whatever they call themselves these days van pulled up they immediately got out and stuck a noticed under the wiper for the freelander saying it’s untaxed and I’m being reported for enforcement. So obviously some busy body has contacted them to report it.

Since the sorn told me it was unsuccessful I thought I’d ring up the dvla as money didn’t actually come out on the 1st I rang up on the 1st aswell about an hour after the notice had been put on the car. Didn’t say anything about the notice but just made out I enquiring why the tax hadn’t come out that day and after they did some digging they said the sorn is showing as valid there end I explained that it told me it wasn’t but they said it needs to be taxed so taxed it immediately and also swapped insurance back to the freelander to hopefully try to head off any fine especially since looking online it says that the fine is £30 plus twice the outstanding tax and when reading through the legislation it says the outstanding tax mean the full year so in that case they would want about £800 fine.

Hopefully I’ve headed them off by taxing it the same day and arguably I’ve got a leg to stand on since there system told me it wasn’t a successful sorn but still it’s had one hell of an effect on my mental health.

Bloody busy bodies why make a fuss when it wasn’t affecting anybody whatsoever sitting there waiting for it to be sold.
Don't need to be taxed if it's a private carpark.
EDIT- and the DVLA have it sorned, which they did.
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Time and time again dvla and their systems have been proven incompetent yet every time it's your fault and you're the one who's worse off. Same with any form of tax. Bassoons, the lot of 'em
Exactly it took me 45 minutes on hold before anyone answered and in fact first time I called it said they were busy and call back another time and immediately hung up on me.

So I could argue to he point that I tried calling first thing in the morning before anyone came out to the car and couldn’t get through as it hung up on me

Hard to say how the car park counts as it council owned though technically the roads are under a different county council and the local council own the flats and land so might still count as private ie. Not a proper public road.
Good shout actually, my mate got run over on purpose on a private car park. Police - 'nothing we can do sir'
I'll remeber that next time the wifes behind me when I'm reversing onto the drive :)

Many years ago my brother was told to move his car 20 yards off the road and onto a hard standing or he'd get done for no tax, he didn't bother until a few days later he got done for no tax :D
Like I say with any luck I’ve headed them off by taxing it the same day but who knows. Just a shame that I’m gonna have to get rid of the p38 for it the freelander to hopefully not get fined. Feels strange going back to it being lower down and what not and back to a manual as the main reason I swapped was it was hurting too much changing gears with my shoulder injury but oh well such is life.

If I was meant to have an easy life then I would have found that out long ago I’m just not destined to have anything work out on my favour.

All this caused me to have a severe panic attack on Thursday evening I was on call to the partner at the time and my 4yr old daughter came down her stairs as she couldn’t sleep and she had to talk to me to calm me down which I feel terrible for her seeing me like that and having to help me when I’m the adult.

Got back in touch with the doctors and been referred to the mental health team again because of it. Maybe if need if the dvla are gonna be see you next Tuesdays I can play the mental health aspect in my favour and say I wasn’t in the right mind that’s why I didn’t realise there was any issues at the time.
Hard to say how the car park counts as it council owned though technically the roads are under a different county council and the local council own the flats and land so might still count as private ie. Not a proper public road.
Is the carpark for residents only?
Some stuff on the web about traffic laws not counting if it's not open to public use.
I was told it was residents only by the council when I moved in. And like I say technically my council is not the council that actually is responsible for the roads so it could be argued that it’s completely separate land from the roads as the county council doesn’t maintain that bit of land. The specific act that deals with tax is different from the road traffic act and the one that deals with tax basically states it’s a road if repairs are done from the public purse ie. What the road tax goes too. Where as if they were to resurface this bit or what have you then it would be the local council paying out of there own funds likely from what they get paid as part of the service surcharge or what have you so in theory it cannot be classes as being on the road according to the act that deals with road tax. The road traffic act which would be what insurance comes out of basically just states any are publicly accessible so in theory I could be done for no insurance on that bit of land but tax wise it’s different.

I guess I’ll find out soon enough if something comes through. With any luck with my taxing it an hour or two after being reported by the goons if it’s an automated system maybe the system will now check and see it as taxed and think everything’s fine and not send anything out.
I was told it was residents only by the council when I moved in. And like I say technically my council is not the council that actually is responsible for the roads so it could be argued that it’s completely separate land from the roads as the county council doesn’t maintain that bit of land. The specific act that deals with tax is different from the road traffic act and the one that deals with tax basically states it’s a road if repairs are done from the public purse ie. What the road tax goes too. Where as if they were to resurface this bit or what have you then it would be the local council paying out of there own funds likely from what they get paid as part of the service surcharge or what have you so in theory it cannot be classes as being on the road according to the act that deals with road tax. The road traffic act which would be what insurance comes out of basically just states any are publicly accessible so in theory I could be done for no insurance on that bit of land but tax wise it’s different.

I guess I’ll find out soon enough if something comes through. With any luck with my taxing it an hour or two after being reported by the goons if it’s an automated system maybe the system will now check and see it as taxed and think everything’s fine and not send anything out.
I think you worry too much, the DVLA do not seem to have a leg to stand on with the evidence you have.

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