1. J_D

    Stuck rear brake hubs

    If desperate, pic 2 above shows the little clip that holds the brake shoe in, one for each shoe, cut them off at the back( might not have to do this) and use a puller to remove the hub. Might only be a small lip but shoes could be dragging. The brake retaining clips should be replaced if they...
  2. J_D

    Oil filter relocation

    If its the fl2 then I think there is a tool to access it easier. Don't over tighten it. If you move it the it's bound to be in the way of something else. With practice it should become easier to to remove and not get so much oil down your arms, on the floor or in your hair. Or there might be a...
  3. J_D

    Freelander 1 Engine support tool .. query. [ td4 ]

    The more you take off the tray the easier it'll become. And the support will support the engine but sometimes you need to move the engine higher or to the side. Trolley jack is safer than a bottle jack. Decent ramps help, I use Halfords ones as they have a less steep slope. If under the car a...
  4. J_D

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Stuck oil filter housing

    Access is easier from under the car. Get something to lie on and something to rest your head on. As it's rounded off get another cap, 2nd hand if possible. Whatever additional tools, mole grips as suggested will add to your tool kit and hopefully still cheaper than a garage. Get decent quality...
  5. J_D

    Rapid kerchunk sound on acceleration

    They can be changed without dropping the subframe, just remove the other 2 and the diff will move enough to wiggle it out. Don't skimp unless you want to replace them every couple of years.
  6. J_D

    Coolant replacement

    As above about the old coolant, animals love to drink it but it's poisonous to them, and probably us so don't drink it.
  7. J_D

    Freelander 1 Freelander 1 - Dacia Steel Wheels

    Stud length may not be long enough. Availability of the correct nuts to the op
  8. J_D

    Freelander 2 wont start, short crank

    Does the new battery need a battery reset on the ecu to give correct charge? And was this done 2 years ago?
  9. J_D


    2 belts, one does the power steering, water pump and alternator. The other has to come off first and is for the air con. Did both belts come off?
  10. J_D


    Would indicate aux drive belt. Drivers side, UK,
  11. J_D

    freelander td4 problem removing clutch master cylinder

    If its the type of push fit that pushes into the fitting, a spanner just bigger than the pipe will push it down. They can be quite stuck in though.
  12. J_D

    Dying F1 Help

    I would check compression first. Does the heater get hot too? After the hg was done was the whole cooling system flushed out as it may have become blocked when the fluids mixed.
  13. J_D

    Freelander 2 battery problems

    Is the starting issue long crank times or slow turning over/ battery flat. I think the battery reset alters how much it is charged, so should still be charged just maybe not to the new batterys capacity.
  14. J_D

    Freelander 1 Grey Smoke

    On the fl1 does diagnostic live data show requested boost pressure and actual boost pressure? that would prove the turbo is activating ok.
  15. J_D

    Freelander 2 Gearbox Bearing

    Yes that's them. I know not close but they know their stuff