Not to everyone's taste but I think it's quite smart. Am I right in thinking its on the wrong reg tho. Shouldn't it be on a q plate or a reg relevant to the chassis it's on due to the points system?
If it wasn't for those wheel arches :(

Depends when the conversion was done, most likely it should be a Q plate, but, it's slightly possibe it was done pre whatever the date was in the late 80's i think where any mash-ups done before that date can have tax free status
If it wasn't for those wheel arches :(

Depends when the conversion was done, most likely it should be a Q plate, but, it's slightly possibe it was done pre whatever the date was in the late 80's i think where any mash-ups done before that date can have tax free status

But a suffix would make it a s three poss s two a?
yeah may not be to everyones taste. not seen a series 1 hybrid before keeping an eye on it as im interested to see what it goes for.
oh dear you wait till the old uns see this :doh:

Like bump said, without the arched(that look like tractor archers! :eek:) it would look ok.

Seen a good one at the indoor show at donnigton earlier in the year. will try dig the photo out.
"I have not used it for off roading as i think it would be a shame to damages something as different and special as this you will not find one like this again. "

Nope,don't like it. As above the arches ruin the whole thing. The fold up front is a smart touch though:)
someone needs a good kick n the nuts ....... if it was left standard it would of been worth alot more
what #### thought that was a good idea!

butchered body, **** bulkhead repair on footwell……..guy wants shooting
I kinda like it, its a middle finger to the 'you can't modify that, its a classic' people, ok the arches could do with some more thought but other than that it looks kinda cool, I think I would widen the body and fit fender arches personally, could look the nuts

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