Lets see, 1-3 days to fill order, then to shipping 1 day for shipper to process, then get on the correct truck 1-2 days. so after 7 working days I would call. I don't get excited over little stuff like that. There is more to life than letting little sh1t get your goat.
How old are you and what do you do for a living? You have never made a error or mistake in your life? I bet you think heaven and earth revolve around you
[QUOTE="minesthechevy, post: 3783901, member: 106754" O Mighty Thor - I wrote <Very funny - and wholly appropriate.>[/QUOTE]
Glad you approve
This isn't an AG thread so watch the language please.

@minesthechevy it's understandable you're not happy but throwing people's (in some cases extensive) experience and opinion back at them just makes it look like you want to spit your dummy and any target will do.

Your order is late, you're not pleased. That's fair enough....tell YRM and give them a chance to put it right.

Alternatively wail at why it's all so unfair, throw wild punches and be dismissed as a spoilt brat.
O mightyThor. I like that. And I wonder how Miniver Cheevy acts if he gets a paper cut? Good thing I live over here, 'cause I bet it would be big.
Here's a screen shot from the advert I ordered from on the 4th of July. View attachment 103642 Call me simple, but 'In stock' means 'in stock' to me - so from what you say now it seems like all of a sudden they CAN be arsed to update their website. Either that or they deliberately mislead people.

If by 'process them 1 at a time' do you mean' fabricate to order?' Well that's a novel way to take advantage of economies of scale, and if it were so, they'd surely be trumpeting their hand-crafted products as such.

'Other orders ahead of mine' - fair enough, but why wasn't it made clear to me at some point - ANY point - that my order would be subject to delay?
To me that clearly says "CAN SHIP in 1-3 days" not will ship.

How much of a mountain out of a mole hill... if you are that peed off tell them to cancel your order.

At the very least its poor customer service.... at the very worst its still just poor customer service...

Calm down it happens deal with it.... for what its worth I use Amazon and regularly see a buy now get tomorrow prime delivery, you get to the basket and its changed to 2 day delivery.... Its not exactly a major concern of mine.. but it clearly is for you so perhaps don't use the internet for shopping and go into a shop and then you wont have this problem.

I am not sure what you are trying to achieve ? money off ? Do you know how difficult it is to update a website, I ordered from Tesco's 3 times in 3 weeks and each time 1 of the items wasn't available..... They have one of the most sophisticated ordering/packing/stock control systems in the world.
Never had an issue with YRM
The parts they produce are first class.
So the parts are late, the main thing is, they are being made and will be with you shortly it's not worth getting worked up over
i'm sure there will be other stuff you can do
Sound like you are new to Landrover ownership. I am very sure you will have much bigger disappointment's with it other than your part's being a bit late.
You could of course have gone to a main dealer and had your pants down. Or gone somewhere else and then been complaining about poor quality and fit.
As said above as with anything ordered on line if you want it sooner go and fetch it.
Sound like you are new to Landrover ownership. I am very sure you will have much bigger disappointment's with it other than your part's being a bit late.
You could of course have gone to a main dealer and had your pants down. Or gone somewhere else and then been complaining about poor quality and fit.
As said above as with anything ordered on line if you want it sooner go and fetch it.

Doubt if the main dealer would have got those bits any quicker. And it would have been arms and legs. If they even make and keep them now!

Pretty good to be able to get those for a twenty year old vehicle, a few days wait is fairly unimportant.
Sorry but I'm with Minesthechevy !

I do understand the rest of the Comments. BUT a small firm should ring or email if an order is going to be late ! Its not Difficult and makes content customers.
At lease he has not been accused of a Thief and a liar like I was :cool:
Another YRM supporter. I got first class service and parts when I used them. Having said that, I like to get things on time and get irked when they are late. Tell them you are not happy, politely, and they may give some recompense. If not, just don't use them again. I doubt you will get parts the same quality elsewhere though.
Sorry but I'm with Minesthechevy !

I do understand the rest of the Comments. BUT a small firm should ring or email if an order is going to be late ! Its not Difficult and makes content customers.
At lease he has not been accused of a Thief and a liar like I was :cool:
I've told you before.....stop coming on here, stealing our forum space and telling porkies..:p
Sorry but I'm with Minesthechevy !

I do understand the rest of the Comments. BUT a small firm should ring or email if an order is going to be late ! Its not Difficult and makes content customers.
At lease he has not been accused of a Thief and a liar like I was :cool:
And you know they are a small firm How? what is definition of a small firm 1 or 2 employes, or less than 20 employes . or would it be less than a million quid in sales.
O mightyThor. I like that. And I wonder how Miniver Cheevy acts if he gets a paper cut? Good thing I live over here, 'cause I bet it would be big.
Probably calls 999 and gets all services involved spends a week in A&E then applys for disability pension. Then get a no win no pay lawyer to sue a Chinese paper company for making dangerous paper. and then takes it to the Human rights court in Brussels :rolleyes:
Following a telephone call from YRM this morning, the matter is now satisfactorily resolved.

At no point was I looking for, nor did I ask for, any discount.

These parts are for one of my 4 current LRs - my ownership of LRs goes back 25+ years, so no, I am not a newbie.
Following a telephone call from YRM this morning, the matter is now satisfactorily resolved.

At no point was I looking for, nor did I ask for, any discount.

These parts are for one of my 4 current LRs - my ownership of LRs goes back 25+ years, so no, I am not a newbie.
Good ! Glad its all sorted
That's the first time I've smiled since getting their inadequate email at 7pm tonight. Yes I am ballistic, and I hope YRM will take note. I haven't even started on Facebook yet.......

Well this is what social media is all about. Better off venting on here than bore your family to death with it!!

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