I need a set of inner wings for my D1. After reviewing comments made in this forum, I sent off a payment of £280+ - to YRM on the 4th of this month. They acknowledged payment on the 5th, and today - a week later - I telephoned AND emailed them to ask about progress.

They sent me an email tonight which said < My apologies the parts you require are being made this week, so sorry for the delay.>

I have made some serious complaints about this to them - at no point on their website does it say 'temporarily unavailable' or similar - I just hope that it was a genuine balls-up and not the way they normally do business.

My advice to any prospective purchaser would be to get them to tell you if the pieces you need are in stock before you pay out the money. At the very least, it's ****-poor customer service; at worst, it's a lot worse.
First time I've heard anything bad about YRM ... I've had no issues with their kit, delivery or fitting!
'screw up'? Four different 'screw-ups' for one customer (1. take order and acknowledge receipt of money without checking stock levels; 2. failure to keep customer informed once they realise they don't have the stock; 3. ignore telephone chase-up; 4. off-hand pseudo-apology with no reference to the fact that they've had £280+ out of me for nothing with
First time I've heard anything bad about YRM ... I've had no issues with their kit, delivery or fitting!

constructive information attached)

Yeah, I'd call that a screw-up.
I need a set of inner wings for my D1. After reviewing comments made in this forum, I sent off a payment of £280+ - to YRM on the 4th of this month. They acknowledged payment on the 5th, and today - a week later - I telephoned AND emailed them to ask about progress.

They sent me an email tonight which said < My apologies the parts you require are being made this week, so sorry for the delay.>

I have made some serious complaints about this to them - at no point on their website does it say 'temporarily unavailable' or similar - I just hope that it was a genuine balls-up and not the way they normally do business.

My advice to any prospective purchaser would be to get them to tell you if the pieces you need are in stock before you pay out the money. At the very least, it's ****-poor customer service; at worst, it's a lot worse.
Take a deep breath hold it............................................................................................................................. And now breath. You think there might of been other orders ahead of yours and they process them 1 at a time. Plus there wed site says currently unavailable. Maybe you missed seeing that in your hurry to order your parts
Take a deep breath hold it............................................................................................................................. And now breath. You think there might of been other orders ahead of yours and they process them 1 at a time. Plus there wed site says currently unavailable. Maybe you missed seeing that in your hurry to order your parts

Here's a screen shot from the advert I ordered from on the 4th of July.
Call me simple, but 'In stock' means 'in stock' to me - so from what you say now it seems like all of a sudden they CAN be arsed to update their website. Either that or they deliberately mislead people.

If by 'process them 1 at a time' do you mean' fabricate to order?' Well that's a novel way to take advantage of economies of scale, and if it were so, they'd surely be trumpeting their hand-crafted products as such.

'Other orders ahead of mine' - fair enough, but why wasn't it made clear to me at some point - ANY point - that my order would be subject to delay?
Very rare to hear complaints about YRM here and our members don't tend towards being shy.

Frustrating though, I've had similar with Paddocks in the past where I've placed an order as paid extra for express delivery only for it to arrive and find the one thing I was desperate for wasn't in stock and would follow later.....5 days as it happened.

Communication with customers is vital
Here's a screen shot from the advert I ordered from on the 4th of July. View attachment 103642 Call me simple, but 'In stock' means 'in stock' to me - so from what you say now it seems like all of a sudden they CAN be arsed to update their website. Either that or they deliberately mislead people.

If by 'process them 1 at a time' do you mean' fabricate to order?' Well that's a novel way to take advantage of economies of scale, and if it were so, they'd surely be trumpeting their hand-crafted products as such.

'Other orders ahead of mine' - fair enough, but why wasn't it made clear to me at some point - ANY point - that my order would be subject to delay?
I don't do screen shot> I just went to there site seconds to verify if in stock or out of stock. Could even be orders before yours got the last ones
Process the order paper work, orders filled as ordered, may be they had hundreds of orders before yours. Also it says orders filled in 1-3 days, There are lots of reasons and good one why your order didn't get filled. Seems like you are throwing a hissy fit
<<Communication with customers is vital>>

Yes! If they'd phoned/emailed me the moment they realised that there was a problem I'd have accepted it (with bad grace, yes, but not with the anger I feel towards them right now)
<<Communication with customers is vital>>

Yes! If they'd phoned/emailed me the moment they realised that there was a problem I'd have accepted it (with bad grace, yes, but not with the anger I feel towards them right now)
they arent a giant like argos or amazon, whose web sites linked directly to stock levels, your buying parts for an old vehicle its part of the **** that goes with that we are lucky some firms still produce quality parts
Yes I am - being screwed around gets me like that - what do you do, just roll over and play good-dog when people take money from you and give nothing in return? If so, can I interest Sir in this bridge......?
Lets see, 1-3 days to fill order, then to shipping 1 day for shipper to process, then get on the correct truck 1-2 days. so after 7 working days I would call. I don't get excited over little stuff like that. There is more to life than letting little sh1t get your goat.
they arent a giant like argos or amazon, whose web sites linked directly to stock levels, your buying parts for an old vehicle its part of the **** that goes with that we are lucky some firms still produce quality parts

So now we're supposed to put up with crap service just because we're 'lucky' to have the parts? R-i-g-h-t......

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