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Pensioner Pete
Full Member
I have an idea:)

instead of charging young drivers 4000+ for the first years insurance why not just put it at 1500 quid with 3000 quid excess if they have an accident, that way most of them would drive with caution so as not to have to pay:)
I have an idea:)

instead of charging young drivers 4000+ for the first years insurance why not just put it at 1500 quid with 3000 quid excess if they have an accident, that way most of them would drive with caution so as not to have to pay:)

I've always thought that the price for insurance should be the same for all drivers and the price reflects the car,

So a bit like what you said the excess should reflect the risk, not the car.

So say you have a brand new 20k quick sporty car, charge 400quid for the car then 3000 excess for a 17year old.

Same car with a 50 year old, 400quid for the car 100quid excess for the driver.

So in theory doesn't matter what your age, if your careful and don't drive like a cock then you can afford insurance.
Let the excess reflect the risk of the driver and the car having a set price based on say its value, age and performance ect...
I've always thought that the price for insurance should be the same for all drivers and the price reflects the car,

So a bit like what you said the excess should reflect the risk, not the car.

So say you have a brand new 20k quick sporty car, charge 400quid for the car then 3000 excess for a 17year old.

Same car with a 50 year old, 400quid for the car 100quid excess for the driver.

So in theory doesn't matter what your age, if your careful and don't drive like a cock then you can afford insurance.
Let the excess reflect the risk of the driver and the car having a set price based on say its value, age and performance ect...

Why should a 17yr old who is still wet behind the ears and buggers coming out there nose, that knows nothing about driving pay the same rate as someone you has not had a accident or ticket for 42yrs and over 1.5 million safe miles driven in all weather conditions. Fook them they are a hazard and danger to every driver on the road. And there are facts stating that.
Why should a 17yr old who is still wet behind the ears and buggers coming out there nose, that knows nothing about driving pay the same rate as someone you has not had a accident or ticket for 42yrs and over 1.5 million safe miles driven in all weather conditions. Fook them they are a hazard and danger to every driver on the road. And there are facts stating that.

You've obviously not driven around here on the school run, young women in their twenties and thirties are a menace, most of them are arrogant and drive way too fast, always in a hurry, they park just anywhere and expect everyone to get out of their way.
Some old people that have driven 40 or 50 years are not safe, they don't see things as clearly, they react slower and also expect everyone to get out of their way especially when they are in decent cars or mobility vehicles.

I am an old person and I drive around the speed limits all the time and get hassled for it, but I don't want points on my licence and don't want to drive looking for cops and speed cameras all the time.
I must have done over 4 million miles in my driving career but don't class myself as a great driver, I have to concentrate more and look twice at junctions because of my age, but at least I do realise that I'm not as quick as I was when looking for traffic etc.
Numpty kids drive un aware of hazards and so crash. Thats why insurance co's put there brass up.

We all think we are safe but others are the ones to look out for.

:violent: Get out of my way
Problem is that most drivers are too fast and also aggressive, if you get in the wrong lane for instance people do their best to stop you changing lanes, if you are slow (my old car is slow) then they drive up behind you so as you cant even see their front lamps in the mirror, same if you stick to speed limits as I do, people get angry and cut you up, god help new drivers because its like a racetrack out there,

We need to slow down and be patient, you don't get there any quicker, a taxi was harassing me in a 20mph limit, when I stopped at the lights he overtook me and went through on red , the 20 limit is there for a reason I was doing 25 so no too bad but not fast enough for some people.

Young drivers are still learning and we have to make allowances for them, too many so called mature drivers think they know it all and that rules do not apply to them:rolleyes:
My sister was involved in an accident multi car caused by a nineteen year old driver , At a junction covered by cctv so he was caught bang to rights. Total cost to insurance companys £46000 vehicle damage over £305000 in personal so no excess would be enough, over a third of all accidents involve drivers under 21,
Well I have to say, driving as many miles as I do, most of the people I see on their mobiles, browsing the internet/emails, watching TV whilst driving, reading books are way over 19 and both male and female,with and without kids in the car

The guy watching TV was driving an 18 tonner for the co-op on the M40:eek:
I'm sure there are statistics that somehow prove that one ethnicity cause more accidents than another, and so you could conclude that they were a higher risk and should thus be charged more. I'd like to see how long that lasted if an insurer tried it though. Arbitrarily basing it on age groups is no different- no two drivers are the same and it's just an excuse to charge obscene amounts of money for a 17yo to drive a 1.0L corsa.
I think I should decide who is a crap driver and who isn't. :biggrin1:

I can also choose your colour of wall paint, reducing wifey thingy stress. Still un-decided?
I'm 20 and have just bought my first landy - a heavily modified defender (winch, snorkel, lift etc). I tried all the specialist 4x4 insurers and the cheapest I had was £1800 from A/F and most refused to even quote. I was about to give up when I gave Admiral (who I insure my fiesta with) a bell to see how much it would cost to switch cars on the same policy (ALL MODS DECLARED). They came back saying it would be a £200 increase (£600-£800) which is just about affordable! This is with no NCB as well. They didn't seem bothered by the mods as they weren't performance related so therefore I'm not a boy racer haha.
i believe NEW licence drivers should be restricted to what they can drive, they should work their way up similar to bike categories, i.e 1st year limited to 1.2ltr or 80hp and then insurance should reflect that, that i think is fair
Ive just passed my test, and got a disco 1 the 3 weeks ive been driving, im amazed at the amount of people that seem to get ****ed off when your doing a completely appropriate speed.
i believe NEW licence drivers should be restricted to what they can drive, they should work their way up similar to bike categories, i.e 1st year limited to 1.2ltr or 80hp and then insurance should reflect that, that i think is fair

this approach would be problematic to business when newly qualified employees can no longer drive a works vehicles
this approach would be problematic to business when newly qualified employees can no longer drive a works vehicles

true but it would stop 17yr olds jumping into 400hp motors without any experience of the road,
the majority of crash's ive seen in my early days at car meets were predominantly young drivers in scooby's evo's etc, i just think people should learn how to drive in all conditions in an appropriate motor,
yes with business it would be problematic but with every law there are losers we cant please everybody,
just my 2pence worth
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Are they jumping into those cars insured though? I cant imagine any insurance company giving a reasonable quote for anything with 400hp .. + im sure theres alot more young drivers that actualy just want to use a car to get about, not thrash it.
Not saying it doesnt happen, ive been a few mates cars that drive like idiots but the majority i know after passing drive really sensibly, more so than some 'experienced' people.
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