
Snigger :D I likes that digging one
Now you really are trolling......idiot!

When will you learn that when your in a hole it's probably a good idea to stop digging :doh:

Who the feck rattled your cage cnut. Thought your head was stuck in the frozen sand:lol::lol::lol: Protecting your personnel pet:behindsofa:
Who the feck rattled your cage cnut. Thought your head was stuck in the frozen sand:lol::lol::lol: Protecting your personnel pet:behindsofa:

No, just pointing out you're an idiot.....sometimes point out the same to doc.

Does seem to be mostly you though.....can't imagine why :rolleyes:
Oi :p don't put me in the same class as that mong! :mad:

You got no class Doc You just are the favorite pet on here is all They look at you like you are a attention starved child, seeking approval and acceptance, which you must of be lacking in your child hood.
You got no class Doc You just are the favorite pet on here is all They look at you like you are a attention starved child, seeking approval and acceptance, which you must of be lacking in your child hood.

Awww trolls getting stroppy :) someone give it some attention :p

You're the child here bringing up any and everything you can to try and get a response out of people ;) Complaining about me taking threads off topic when you bring up V8's at any opportunity and then once derailed change back to some bull**** that you plucked off google whilst trying to find out the latest on guinea pig porn
Awww trolls getting stroppy :) someone give it some attention :p

You're the child here bringing up any and everything you can to try and get a response out of people ;) Complaining about me taking threads off topic when you bring up V8's at any opportunity and then once derailed change back to some bull**** that you plucked off google whilst trying to find out the latest on guinea pig porn

Doc you got no experience with flux. you just repeat what a few have said (There seems to be more happy with flux than against) like a pet parrot, along with most of the other **** you spout about repeating what other say.
Doc you got no experience with flux. you just repeat what a few have said (There seems to be more happy with flux than against) like a pet parrot, along with most of the other **** you spout about repeating what other say.

I've taken out quotes with them before and gotten useless people on the other end who don't know what a fcuking landrover is.
I've got more experience with them than you have so again troll off

The ones that are happy with it haven't made claims or anything, have a google and don't just rely on what you read on here about them being good or bad.
Insurance is up for renewal with Adrian Flux, they want £144 which includes a £30 processing fee. I am sure it used to be much lower than that?

How much do other people (please note the use of "people" rather than teenagers) pay for fully comp insurance? My landy is worth £3,800 and I limit the mileage to 5,000 miles a year.

Sounds about right, I pay 170 for my Disco with them, 90 was about 140 or something last time I had it insured (off the road just now) with Lancaster.

Remember insurance just went up for everyone to cover the gender ruling that those bastards at the EU forced us into - not sure why they didn't just bring the women's premiums in line with male.

We should be more like the French and tell Belgium to get knotted when they try and tell us what to do.

It's like the electrical rulings, we are an island, if we want to use pink, purple, violet, mauve and orange wire colours we should be allowed to, because it's not like we get to the French border then have to change to a harmonised system.

If appliances come in from the continent, like we did for years, we looked at the wiring diagram and connected the wires up appropriately.

It's also that EU that is bringing an end to our beloved Defenders. THEY (experts in automotive engineering they are) said we can't have a chassis. It might hurt someone! Well, I sure as hell don't want to be hit by a Disco 4, which is EU approved!
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Had my renewal thru from Lancaster yesterday - It had gone up about £25 to £172.50. but they'd included legal benefits as an option. I phoned Flux and was pleasantly surprised they they came back at £142. A quick call to Lancaster and they came down to £137.50 (also removed legal benefit) First time insurance has gone down for me for years !! Happy Days
Had my renewal thru from Lancaster yesterday - It had gone up about £25 to £172.50. but they'd included legal benefits as an option. I phoned Flux and was pleasantly surprised they they came back at £142. A quick call to Lancaster and they came down to £137.50 (also removed legal benefit) First time insurance has gone down for me for years !! Happy Days

Lancaster will nearly always beat any competitor if you ring them and speak nicely ;)
Lancaster recently have had to dump some liability on behalf of their insurer (they are just the brokers).

So for a while there they were not offering good deals to try and get rid of some customers, sounds mad I know, but they are all accountants for a bank! Looks like they are back to normal now - good to know.

I took 2 landys away from them and a possible 3rd, no claims, clean license. They had the cheek to write to me asking why I left.
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