seconding the comments so far.

colour is hideous the (cage) is a joke unless there are some serious bits of tube
internally we cannot see from the pics.
and the price wow optimistic aint he :)
If you look at the last pic you can see the internal cage so looks like it could be solid, horrid colour but does look very well done. I don't doubt it's cost a lot to do as he's got pucka bits on it but that price is about £3k to much IMHO, for £3k it's a good bit though, just needs repainting!
Only going off the pics some one has spent alot of time on that paint finish,
which would have given them plenty of time to reconsider the colour,

It will look alot better muddy, brown on pink (oo-er missus )
I actually quite like it, I know I shouldnt but I do :p If only the back were a bit longer...

Then again if I had that kind of money to spare Id buy a defender anyway...
I'd be brush painting some nato green on that bugger sharpish! :D Only after I'd knocked 5 grand off the asking price...bloody Barbie sponsorship...

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