The uninitiated to using a slim-jim will most likely be slotted through the forehead if they ever try it on a car with door airbags. Boom, rocket, whoosh.............splat!

Sounds unlikely, the airbag is in a compartment and designed to deploy towards the driver to protect the thorax. Quite how it would manage to deploy into the lock/window space I cannot see:confused:
Sounds unlikely, the airbag is in a compartment and designed to deploy towards the driver to protect the thorax. Quite how it would manage to deploy into the lock/window space I cannot see:confused:

Think i recall this has happened. Dim memories of some would be thief with a piece of metal fired through his neck.
The uninitiated to using a slim-jim will most likely be slotted through the forehead if they ever try it on a car with door airbags. Boom, rocket, whoosh.............splat!

Doesn't work.
Myth busters spent an entire episode trying to get an airbag to shove the steel into a dummies skull.
Who needs a huge kit? I was taught to break into cars using a length of welding rod (wire coat hanger works too), some masking tape to protect the paint and a screw driver. Worked well for years but just like these "professional" kits, is of little use on modern vehicles.
Who needs a huge kit? I was taught to break into cars using a length of welding rod (wire coat hanger works too), some masking tape to protect the paint and a screw driver. Worked well for years but just like these "professional" kits, is of little use on modern vehicles.

I can get in fenders empty handed
Think i recall this has happened. Dim memories of some would be thief with a piece of metal fired through his neck.
Saw this and thought of you.

This warning was first seen on the Internet in October 1997. According to a 12 December 1997 message sent out by NLETS (National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System) at the request of the Nat'l Highway Traffic Safety Admin:

NHTSA states that they have been unable to confirm any instances of a slimjim triggering a side-impact airbag. NHTSA further states that the vehicle manufacturers state that it is impossible to deploy an airbag using a slimjim.

NHTSA has been haunted by this hoax since it first appeared. It has issued multiple bulletins to the effect that no deaths or slimjim-triggered airbag incidents have been reported, but apparently to no avail, as the warning continues to circulate.
Saw this and thought of you.

This warning was first seen on the Internet in October 1997. According to a 12 December 1997 message sent out by NLETS (National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System) at the request of the Nat'l Highway Traffic Safety Admin:

NHTSA states that they have been unable to confirm any instances of a slimjim triggering a side-impact airbag. NHTSA further states that the vehicle manufacturers state that it is impossible to deploy an airbag using a slimjim.

NHTSA has been haunted by this hoax since it first appeared. It has issued multiple bulletins to the effect that no deaths or slimjim-triggered airbag incidents have been reported, but apparently to no avail, as the warning continues to circulate.

Another good story down the pan then. :D:D

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