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This isn't meant to be a very serious thread or to knock anybody with alternative views.

I used to have a Series III. In many ways it was a heap but I liked it. I wanted a Defender CSW but the Missus wasn't having any of it so we bought the DSE. A couple of niggles and the a/c still doesn't work but I love it. I'm way past racing.

My image of me and my P38 is that it might not be fast but I can get in it and go anywhere. It hasn't got much stowage space but there aren't many cars that you sit on the lower tailgate, have a fag and a beer watching the world pass by in an English drizzle.

Others seem to view them as mean-machine tart traps. That's fine but I can't see it. Surely Sharon or Trace would be more impressed by a Sport.

So, how do you perceive yourself and your P38? Nice brake, tart trap, piece of English heritage that should be pristine and preserved, piece of **** that gets you round the messy bits until you're back on the tarmac in your Audi ragtop?

Who are you? Why've you got one? Do tell.

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Classy and reserved! Later Rangies are just too blingy, too "Chesnie dun good" - I guess I'll be forced to buy one when my old girl finally dies - unless I buy a Disco or Freelander instead!
Classy and reserved! Later Rangies are just too blingy, too "Chesnie dun good" - I guess I'll be forced to buy one when my old girl finally dies - unless I buy a Disco or Freelander instead!

You know you want one when you see them flying past your old tractor lol
Dog wagon and shed puller. Plus when you've had a defender, ah the smoothness and finally the others halfs dad is to old to climb in a defender that's it.
A gentleman's conveyance.

I spend all week in a Sprinter van usually with the pedal fairly close to the metal. Then comes the weekend. I climb into the Rangie, relax, drive a lot more slowly and enjoy driving. A few times a year I head up to a farm just outside Perth and I know I don't have to worry about the weather.

Oh and I don't lose it in Tesco's car park, you can't say that about SWMBO's Focus.

It still puts a smile on my face.
shape is more refined than the L322 & much cheaper to purchase / service. I bought my P38 when i left my nice job, nice company car to set up myself. The P38 is one of those cars your happy for clients to see you pull up in - it's a mixture of classiness / ruggedness but not overstated like later models - sports etc.
Never considered it a tart trap :)
I can fit the Dogs, the Guns and The Quarry in the back....

Gets the Girlfriend to were she wants to go (She is a Wildlife Photographer as a Freelance - Second Job)

Gets me to were I want to go....

Give it a wash and I can turn up to any event in comfort and style...

I own a Range Rover for a number of reasons, but the number one, chief reason is - it's a Range Rover...pure and simple....I am an out and out Range Rover fanatic.....ever since I was at school and a teacher had a red Series 2a, I have been a Land Rover Fan since I was 6....and a Range Rover fan once I found out they were made by Land Rover (I was about 8 at the time...!!)

They are a marvelous machine, and I wouldn't ever be without one.
A combination of most of the above!

Great old truck that looks the biss. Slow, sluggish and stylish! Well as stylish as I bloody want to be!

Nice to look down on the poor folk when driving around. It's quite amazing what a £1200 motor can do to you!

I get asked what I paid for mine and always start the reply with 'Well it was about £50k new.............'
Some men like the frivolous, form over function lifestyle but real men want a challenge!

I've had my DSE for 3 years now and thanks to this forum and a decent local mechanic, it runs like the day it rolled out of the factory. I always look forward to driving it, still just stand and look at it and the only reason I can put that down to is that like any good relationship; it requires some hard work. The rewards are there though and I can't imagine owing anything else that would be like that...

Except perhaps an original 427 AC Cobra in midnight blue with a turbo charger. Though I'd look a bit silly up to my arse in mud in it!
A lot of people round here see me as a silver spoon kid as when I shave my face fungus I look about 16, so I get stopped by the plod quite a bit to make sure dad knows I have his car. [edit: It surprises them when I pop out my licence and they realise it is mine. Though one cop did assume my licence was my brothers, that line of enquiry got me an apology from the Police Force because he was a massive prick about it which wouldn't be an issue but my brother is dead.]

But I've wanted one of these since I was about 10. So you put up with the bull**** because I own the car of my dreams. I'll be gutted when she has to go to the scrap yard in the sky. But I'm hoping I've got many more years out of her before then.
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Always wanted a range rover, I was originally looking for a Classic but the Mrs wasnt to keen and it is now getting hard to find one that doesn't need welding back together. My old man had a 3 door classic vogue and regrets ever getting rig of it. £800 quid in px for a flippin punto, had some good camping hols and trips out in it with the family because he had it for years.

So now I have a family and an estate or mpv just don't do it for me really. The comfort, towing, go almost anywhere, entertaining the kids (tvs in the back) keeping the wife happy ease of maintaining, most is doable with a bit of help from all the chaps on here.

The deep thunder from the v8 it music to my ears. Stainless cat back exhaust is brilliant deep note but quiet and refined when I want it to be. Its not getting any mods and it will be standard.
Great workhorse for towing a classic.
Great for family weekends, put four bikes on the tow hitch bike rack and kit in the boot.
easy enough to work on (no I have spent hrs and hrs on it I now know it)
cheap parts! (relatively)
everyone loves it
compared to a defender!!!! no contest
it looks classy the most practical future classic?
Need to get a Nanocom or something similar..
well had to drive round cumbria today when all roads were basically rivers, was in an audi a6 and got stopped a couple of times where a quick push of the magic button in the rangie would have lifted me up and out of the water!
always wanted one, and still think wow when i open the garage door and there it sits, dribbling on the floor lol

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