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Great weekend, and a great set of lanes, 'specially the rock steps .. and the dead ends, I loved 'em!!

Will post videos shortly, just uploading to youtube.

Nice to meet new people, and good to be out with a bunch having a laugh .. the gates commentary from Graham was brilliant! ;)

Nothing broke, well, Olly might say different but I'll not mention it .. we all seem to have got home safely and in one piece which can't be bad.

I'll be making a few changes to the route as we followed it. On closer inspection, the route IS marked the way I went, the arrows are shown, with us passing the first lane over Pen shoulder and coming down it later! I'll keep it that way round but will lose the dead ends and a lot of road work .. and obviously lose the bridleways and other contentious bits .. ;) As a byword, the lane we stopped at where we met the family that looked like bridleway, was one of the lanes described by the chap who Sue got a few lanes off .. the track, hardly discernible, was the way to go. Apparently it is bridleway, but it has vehicular access too! I've not checked that myself though ...

Thank the lord (whoever) for a great internet connection, they're uploaded .. ;)

Dales June 2013 002 - YouTube
Dales June 2013 003 - YouTube
Dales June 2013 005 - YouTube
Dales June 2013 006 - YouTube
Dales June 2013 007 - YouTube
Dales June 2013 008 - YouTube
Dales June 2013 009 - YouTube
Dales June 2013 010 - YouTube
Dales June 2013 011 - YouTube
Dales June 2013 013 - YouTube
Dales June 2013 014 - YouTube
Dales June 2013 015 - YouTube

Bit shaky, zoom is very crap, it's only a small digital camera but good enough for laning I think .. Hope you like .. ;)
looks good, cant wait, sorting me camping stuff out this week, now do I/ bring a tent, or kip in the landy?? decisions decisions...

gonna get my cooker shelf on the back door sorted too, n try and remember how to use me petrol stove :)
hi all my name is debbie i joined your day out this weekend with my hubby
got to admit it i really enjoyed doing the lanes it was fun didnt mind the jumping in and out to shut the gates either lol :p hope to see you all again soon :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::cool:
hi all my name is debbie i joined your day out this weekend with my hubby
got to admit it i really enjoyed doing the lanes it was fun didnt mind the jumping in and out to shut the gates either lol :p hope to see you all again soon :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::cool:

Did he let you drive, or did he just let you do the important gate opening and shutting duties. Oh welcome by the way.
hi all my name is debbie i joined your day out this weekend with my hubby
got to admit it i really enjoyed doing the lanes it was fun didnt mind the jumping in and out to shut the gates either lol :p hope to see you all again soon :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::cool:

Have you ever been to DAllas?

oh and :welcome:
Sorry Neil will empty my PM box now :eek:

Great videos Pauls :D and I forgot Olly broke something. Shall I say what is was :D:D:D

Welcome Debbie :D:D bet MacDonalds wondered what had hit them at 11pm last night. It was Midnight when I got home and you still had another hour to go :eek:
hi all my name is debbie i joined your day out this weekend with my hubby
got to admit it i really enjoyed doing the lanes it was fun didnt mind the jumping in and out to shut the gates either lol :p hope to see you all again soon :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::cool:

Glad you enjoyed it Debbie .. and you're much nicer to look at than Brian, so very welcome any time ... ;)
Paul, did you manage to drive any of the Sunday route yesterday.

Particularly wondering about those from the site to Long Preston. We are going to go out and check the Pately and Otley ones soon but it would help if we dont have to go all the way
Gimme a shout when you go check out the otley n paltry ones, might come with if that's ok, specially if its an evening jaunt.

Yes I will, evenings are fine with me, will check with the others :D:D

Did two nice little ones last night, only a mile from my house (and yours) :D
Off to have a look at the Sunday route in my Focus :eek::D:D

Its OK, only kidding, I'm going for a drive in the area though. Determined to get this dammed memory map and laptop to work. Seems to do better in the car for some reason.
2 nice short ones I know of, one at the top of the chevin, near the royalty, do that one a bit on me way home form work, and another at bottom of pool bank.
Off to have a look at the Sunday route in my Focus :eek::D:D

Its OK, only kidding, I'm going for a drive in the area though. Determined to get this dammed memory map and laptop to work. Seems to do better in the car for some reason.

what aerial you using in the lap top, and have you got correct baulk settings.
No, sorry. We had a nice breakfast and just meandered steadily home. Juliet wasn't feeling too good so we didn't do any lanes.

Went past (what I think was) Kirkstall Abbey .. wonderful looking old ruin, but by that time we cba to stop .. mean to go back and visit soon though!

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