What about 8.30 in Skipton for you :D:D
OK - sounds better, thanks :cool:

Anyone got a cuddly Rudolf reindeer that I can strap across the bonnet? :violent: :D :D

Need to try and find my black "BAH HUMBUG" Santa hat which my missus bought for me a couple of Xmas's back. :)

Tinsel will be applied to the Disco.... ;)
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OK - sounds better, thanks :cool:

Anyone got a cuddly Rudolf reindeer that I can strap across the bonnet? :violent: :D :D

Need to try and find my black "BAH HUMBUG" Santa hat which my missus bought for me a couple of Xmas's back. :)

Tinsel will be applied to the Disco.... ;)

have a fast drive on the A64 at night and ya will get a deer for free be abit messy though:D:D
Ignore Neil :D (unless it breaks of course)

Zip said you will be fine to come along on Sunday. Wont be an early start due to beer consumption on Saturday night though :D:D:D

Ok great Ta, where and what time is the meeting point for Sunday?

Does anyone have a memory map overlay of the rout so I can have a nosey where we're going?
Ok great Ta, where and what time is the meeting point for Sunday?

Does anyone have a memory map overlay of the rout so I can have a nosey where we're going?

I only finished the Saturday route last night. Will do the Sunday one tomorrow.

Meet somewhere around Leeds/Bradford airport area as we are drinking around there on Saturday night :D
Ok great Ta, where and what time is the meeting point for Sunday?

Does anyone have a memory map overlay of the rout so I can have a nosey where we're going?

ok, so you've got a plus point for mentioning memory map (summat I cant do, but rely on others)
downside is yer drive a *cough* di****su. that can probably be coped with, but ya really need to change yer sig, as its like rubbing salt into a wound.

i'll even help ya fix it, but don't tell anyone :eek:

Now this is just out loud thinking but, Sunday is my birthday,I have to meet up with Neil to. Collect my diff,I like being out and about in landies. Anyone got a spare seat for expat visiting home?
Sat or Sun? I may have my GF with me on Sat but there's room in the back and as a total novice I will need some advice and help.
ok, so you've got a plus point for mentioning memory map (summat I cant do, but rely on others)
downside is yer drive a *cough* di****su. that can probably be coped with, but ya really need to change yer sig, as its like rubbing salt into a wound.

i'll even help ya fix it, but don't tell anyone :eek:


Fair point, I can see how a photo of a jeep with huge jeep sticker accross the bonnet would be irritating on a lr forum.
Now this is just out loud thinking but, Sunday is my birthday,I have to meet up with Neil to. Collect my diff,I like being out and about in landies. Anyone got a spare seat for expat visiting home?

I'm sure that is easily arranged. You coming out for beers on Saturday night as well :D:D
I'm sure that is easily arranged. You coming out for beers on Saturday night as well :D:D

Might struggle swinging that one with the family I'm driving 2000 km to see, they have arranged a full family get together for the Saturday night and its in Manchester :( but I think with some suitable sulking and moaning I should be able to escape for a Sunday of laning whilst the wife goes Xmas shopping and the lad spends the day with granny.

I shall implement part one of operation "run to the hills" tonight, with the subtle planting of ideas based around a gentle days shopping for the wife and granny sitting for the boy, whilst daddy collects bits for his landy.

Just like the A team, I love it when a plan comes together. :D

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