Afternoon all, well after a 1700km drive I'm in the UK. I have a request for Sunday, can I leave my car at somebody's house Sunday morning and scrounge a lift to the meeting point, I don't really want to leave my motor parked up in a random car park all day. I'm not a stalker honest, it would just feel better to leave it somewhere secure. Ta.
You could leave it at mine but dont want to add to the musical chairs on my drive :D

Best place would be my uncles house, its just down the road from the meeting point and he has plenty of land and parking.

Will PM the address and I will collect you from there
Oh, and both Neil and Zip know where it is, so it wont matter which group you go in, you will be able to get back to it :D:D:D
I've just driven down to Doncaster and there was a smell of burning when i got out. Could it be the brakes and is it advisable to come tomorrow.

Worried in Leeds :(
Could it be a plastic bag wrapped around the exhaust system?

Tinsel applied to Disco roof bars & wreath on spare wheel, only stopped raining once me and my mate had finished the job. Smae friend has lent me a spy camera which has been velcro'd to a satnav mount on me windscreen. Might get some good footage. :)
I've just driven down to Doncaster and there was a smell of burning when i got out. Could it be the brakes and is it advisable to come tomorrow.

Worried in Leeds :(

Neil will be with us, come to the meet, if he thinks its something serious then you can decide.
I've just driven down to Doncaster and there was a smell of burning when i got out. Could it be the brakes and is it advisable to come tomorrow.

Worried in Leeds :(

does it still stop?

join in, if it all goes pear shaped, we'll see you to a main road and a recovery truck!
have heard on good authority that a certain suew aint gotten any xmas decs on due to some wet rain.
guess who's doin' Belford backwards :D
I'm quite sure that unless a spotter wants to stand out in the rain (probably going to rain) then I don't think you should attempt it in reverse.....unless you want to ;)

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