God you lot can talk...not had chance to get on here for a few days and its taken me 15 mins to catch up on this thread!
Cant wait for Saturday and I just have to get my decorations sorted now...hopefully it wont rain or I will have a soggy pudding:D:D:D

Neil just you wait till you get winch envy lol
initially, in your case.
bling is stuff that aint used.
I use stuff.
and I now believe you would use stuff.

Yes I probably would, but is that a good thing. It might encourage me to do stupid stuff cause I believed I could recover it myself. Probably not true :eek:
Yes I probably would, but is that a good thing. It might encourage me to do stupid stuff cause I believed I could recover it myself. Probably not true :eek:

Not true, I have bling, all it does is give confidence, I've never used any of it lol
Well i've used the winch twice on myself and about 20 times on other people at pay and play days.

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