Do we know the meeting point and time on the Sunday yet? Any chance you could send me a copy of the overlay aswell please if your using memory map, just wana have a nosey where we're going.
Do we know the meeting point and time on the Sunday yet? Any chance you could send me a copy of the overlay aswell please if your using memory map, just wana have a nosey where we're going.

Happy to share the route with you after the trip. We like to meet people first :D:D
Happy to share the route with you after the trip. We like to meet people first :D:D

Fair enough, I understand where your coming from. Can I atleast ask what are we're doing? Moors, wolds, dales, holmfirth? Just trying to work out how much fuel I need.
this I've got to see
it'll be nowt special.....
but i'll stick the kettle on.

Do we know the meeting point and time on the Sunday yet? Any chance you could send me a copy of the overlay aswell please if your using memory map, just wana have a nosey where we're going.

Happy to share the route with you after the trip. We like to meet people first :D:D

i'll give a rough idea when sue sends me the route, the lanes will have a brief description but exact locations kept quiet till we've met.
only dodgy ones I know of before I get the route are Belford and cam.
body damage likely on Belford, mechanical damage likely on cam.
lanes in my group will be pointed out afore driving them for those of nervous dispositions. (or want to avoid damage)

re meeting point, either mac d's guiseley or mac d's skipton I believe. not sure on time at mo, sue can you confirm?
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McDonalds Guisley 9am or Skipton 9.30 on Saturday

Car Park opposite Royalty on Otley Chevin on Sunday. Not decided a time yet, anyone got any suggestions. 10am perhaps
Oh and Saturday is Hawes/Marske and anywhere else we end up having time to go to. I doubt we can finish the route.

Sunday is Pateley with some additions :D

And for anyone even considering not putting tinsel on their Landy, Belford can be on both :eek::eek::D:D
And we will tell you where the bad bits are and how to avoid them :D:D

I prefer the racing line ;) the first time I did the pheasant steps I just pointed it up and made no attempt to avoid anything lol (I've already bought the parts to prevent last weekends damage occurring again)

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