
A Comfortable, dry, warm Trattor with a bulkhead that don't rot.
Is this the new Defender? :p
For many years the tratterers have been dissing our Freelanders to reduce them in price so they can buy them cheap. I've said it before... they want our Freelanders. Truth is out.
For many years the tratterers have been dissing our Freelanders to reduce them in price so they can buy them cheap. I've said it before... they want our Freelanders. Truth is out.

They don't.. No really they don't
theoretically yes - but where would you put it? And they're typically pretty weak tbh

not sure where lol spose it could be upgraded for strength tho?, or maybe the principal could be used to redesign something? ( given you were looking at redesigning the casing and adding gears) - not that I know nothing about this stuff just used to have a spitfire with o/d ..
Steering would be a problem. You'd need to modify the arches to suit double wheels. I suspect they will foul the bulkhead too.