I'm gettng to the point of thinking aboot a conversion next year. Mine ****ing me orf ATM.

The steering damper basically reduces the bump-steer and road vibration on the steering wheel. Cheap enough to replace if that ones FUBAR'd.
Clutch cover bolts ya can get from paddocks or FF fer a couple of squids.:)
Just to conclude this, due to a change in circumstances coupled with an influx of other Landys that are actually running, I sold this on (twice!) and it got collected yesterday on a crane heading to the North East!




It's the fastest it's moved in years!
Yep, only 16 on the road or something like that! I got £450 for it in the state you see above- and I've sold on the Ifor williams canopy so didn't actually lose anything.
The guy who bought it knows landys (he has quite a few I'm told!) including a 1-ton, and as far as I know he plans to rebuild it :)

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