
New Member
Well here goes!
I'm hoping to complete the second stage of my 'mid-life crisis' by buying my first Land Rover. I'm after a 90 by the way.
I'm very familiar with car forums as the first part of my aforementioned mid-life (well this is what the wife calls it any way!!!) crisis involved my other childhood dream which was and is a Mustang. Boxed ticked.
Now the Land Rover, my Dad (who I lost years ago) 'cut his teeth' on these and knew them back to front, however he's real passion wasn't cars (but thats another story) so he never brought hid work home, so to speak.
Now I have a son and we both enjoy cars and fishing so it's about time I started looking. The plan being it's something we can work (learn) on together and enjoy.

Well there you go a somewhat brief yet involved introduction to hopefully a future happy Defender 90 owner. I am actively looking for the 'right one' as I type and hope to get some advice and tap into some knowledge with regards to buying and maintaining one.

Unfortunately (like the other car forums I am on) I can't offer any mechanical advice as I have none!! But where ever possible I will contribute and share anything I know which might help others.

So it will be a bit quite from me until I buy - i will around but like I say tapping into the knowledge etc but if I think i can help I will.

Kind regards
Pete (jainser)

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