
Hi all,

I have recently purchased a lowly 2000 P38 4.6ltr (petrol ouch!!) - I have also unfortunately had a we of the common problems with the EAS, but can't seem to fix it long term.

I am hoping that your collective wisdom and greater experience may be able to save me from what feels like a never ending cycle of joy :), grief :mad:, joy:), grief:mad:......

In summary the faults I have had so far are (and work carried out);

1, slow response when selecting ride heights, then ultimately on the bump stops with 'hard fault' - changed compressor - all fine for a couple of weeks.
2, slow response began again, then 'soft fault' - stripped valve block and replaced o rings - all fine for a few weeks
3, vehicle frequently automatically selecting extended ride height, then this morning 'hard fault' and back on the bump stops.

Plugged the obd into RSW software this evening, cleared faults and restored normal ride height - compressor appears to be responding normally/quickly.

I am at a bit of a loss with the EAS as the faults do not appear to be mechanical (and I am not proficient when it comes to anything electronic!!).

Does anyone have any suggestions as to next steps?? Should I check the relay, fuses, ecu, etc....where do I start??

Otherwise the P38 is my new pride and joy and I am loving it - fist one and definitely a convert!!

Thanks everyone


Seems like you have checked and done quite a bit of work on the old girl....

There are two members on here who are the de facto gurus on the EAS system - Wammers and Datatek....

My first questions would be:

How old are the Suspension Bags? - These have a design life of around 7-8 years (80k miles) as Datatek frequently reminds us of....if they are old they could be leaking causing the system to work overtime and the poor little compressor has to work hard to keep up with the loss of air....

Check the Height Sensors....if they are giving spurios information to the EAS, this could give cause to odd height movements....

Does the System throw any fault codes listed on the EASUnlock software if so what are mention you cleared them, but do you know what they were??

Hows the Battery??? P38's hate even the slightest weakness in battery voltage....

Datatek and Wammers will give other things to try no doubt, as we all d'off our caps to their wisdom....
Hi Saint,

Thanks for the quick post!

The bags are ca75,000mies old - but appear to be in reasonable condition (saving for a new set already!)

Height sensors also seem to be functioning ok.

Battery also fine.

The faut codes appear to be a jumbled mess - including 'valve stuck closed' 'sensor height incorrect' 'valve stuck open' 'leak detected' and more - not really sure any of these help?? I did screen shot them before clearing them.

I a utterly perplexed!?!?!?!
Can you post the screen shot???

Usually if you are getting a jumbled mess, it could be poor comms link between PC and Car....
Hi Saint,

I cant seem to paste the screen shot into the text box - i can list all the faults as they appear on the RSW unlock software if that may help???
Beneath the 'Quick Reply' box is a button to 'Go Advanced' scroll down a bit and you'll see another button to 'Manage Attachments' click this and a new window will appear allowing you to browse to and upload images etc.....give that a pop before you wear your fingers to stumps listing fault codes...!!!!
Think i have managed to attach a summary of the codes now.


  • RR Fault codes 7th June.pdf
    53.1 KB · Views: 354
Looking at the file....(and I am not an expert with the EASUnlock software - Datatek is your man for that) but I don't think you are getting good comms link the 255 in the boxes at the top doesn't seem right to me, I am sure I heard that somewhere...

The pressure faults and the faults indicating unable to open valves, could inicate a Valve Driver Pack issue....

What makes me think you have dodgy comms is the two opposing faults - Pressue to Low and Pressure to High.....

See if you can research if you have a good comms link (obviously try the RSW website for videos and info) as I am not convinced it is talking to the car correctly....

Datatek can give better diagnosis than me....
Thanks Saint,

I really appreciate the help!

I shall have a look at RSW and check if i am set up correctly - hopefully have an update in the morning.

Cheers again

Best of luck and keep us updated.....

Sorry I couldn't be more help....but check your comms issue first...255 just doesn't ring right somehow...
Saint is being too modest, he's got you on the right track, you're not getting good communications with your software. However the faults that you read are historic and if you don't know when the codes were last cleared then they're not a lot of use to you now as you've no idea when they were logged. If you have successfully cleared them then you have a clean slate so your current fault / faults should be all that you see and then you've got a chance.

As a rough guide, if in the listing you get two faults that contradict themselves eg. FR valve stuck closed & FR valve stuck open then the communication is corrupted.
To get proper communication you must have good idle. A steady green light. It may flicker a little as it works but must not go red. Or you have bad comms. If you have bad comms you get a long list of rubbish like the one you posted. Usually this problem is associated with use of a USB link to the EASunlock suit. I have never been able to get my USB ACER to work but the old serial DELL works every time.
Think i have managed to attach a summary of the codes now.

The screen shot says you have "Good Idle" but the list of faults suggests you have a comms fault. If you are using a USB to serial adaptor with Vista or Win 7, I would suspect a driver problem.

I also think you have leaking airbags and/or a dodgy height sensor.

Welcome to the asylum:D
Hi all,

Thanks for all the useful pointers.

I am need using a USB link so is sounds as if the comms are not good.

The fault codes are 'new' however (if that makes any difference??).

I am going to get her jacked up in the morning, test the height sensors, check all the bags, lines & tank etc - I am almost hoping for a leak in one of the bags or something else obvious, to reassure me that I'm not going mad! :boink:

In the meantime, I have reset the eas, got it working again ok and shall be keeping my eyes and ears open for any signs of trouble!

Btw - if the USB link is no good - what should I do next?? Anyone know where to get the right lead??

Thanks everyone for your help!!! :):):)
Hi all,

Thanks for all the useful pointers.

I am need using a USB link so is sounds as if the comms are not good.

The fault codes are 'new' however (if that makes any difference??).

I am going to get her jacked up in the morning, test the height sensors, check all the bags, lines & tank etc - I am almost hoping for a leak in one of the bags or something else obvious, to reassure me that I'm not going mad! :boink:

In the meantime, I have reset the eas, got it working again ok and shall be keeping my eyes and ears open for any signs of trouble!

Btw - if the USB link is no good - what should I do next?? Anyone know where to get the right lead??

Thanks everyone for your help!!! :):):)

That list of faults is not "new" it's a phantom list. If you can clear the faults it sounds as though you have comms in one direction not both, the read faults funtion is not syncing.

Almost certainly you have a problem with the USB to serial adaptor. Do you run Vista or Win 7?
If you know what chip is in your USB to serial adaptor, you can download the latest drivers, for instance if the chip is from Prolific google them and look for the downloads.
It's just possible that your OBD cable has a fault, if you have a multimeter, you can check it out quite simply, the wiring details are on the site:)
Thanks datatek,

I run vista and the usb lead is a cheap eBay special, so not sure which chip.

I shall see if I can find out and try to get good comms.

Update on progress later.......
Hi all - quick update from today's attempts - height sensors seem to function well. Bags (although tired) do not appear to be leaking. Check all lines - also seem ok.

As it happens, I have done 4 or 5 journeys today and around 100 miles & the eas seems to be working fine again!?!?!? :confused::confused:

Any more suggestions would be gratefully received!!

Cheers all :)
From your first post the fact the EAS goes to extended height "automatically" indicates a height sensor or a valve block driver assembly or connector issue.
From your first post the fact the EAS goes to extended height "automatically" indicates a height sensor or a valve block driver assembly or connector issue.

That's what I was thinking.

As far as the usb to serial adaptor goes, I use the one in the attached pics with vista, drivers load automatically. Not sure of make, but maybe a search will find one.


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