
Active Member
Sorry for yet another Diff lock question but IO just want to be sure of something.

My wife inadvertantly engaged diff lock and drove 30mph for about 1 mile.

Needless to say I was unimpressed tonight when I found out.

I have been out to my beloved 90 and found diff lock light easily went out. I then reversed the landy a few hundred meters (not really sure why!) and all seems fine and dandy.

Am I ok, I am guessing if the diff was "wound" then it would not have disengaged.

Please can someone confirm?

Reversing won't do it cause all four wheels still in contact with ground, best way to unwind is jack one end of car, if there is any wind up you'll literally see the wheels turn as it unwinds (admitted probably not a lot).
But if it drives ok and seems ok is it likely to be ok?

If I do jack it should I do one wheel at a time all round? Obviously our of gear and handbrake off?
It would be best to jack it anyway even if it seems ok, the drive train will tolerate a small degree of wind-up without immediately obvious effects, but it will be under tension and scrubing the tyres too. It should be jacked both wheels at just one end, and yup out of gear, handbrake off.
Im going to go out now and do it!!!!

So I am guessing if it is would then both wheels should spin a little?
If the light had gone out then it would not be wound up as the diff lock would have come out. The light is activated by the mechanism inside the diff casing, not the leaver itself so if the light goes out, the lcok is out.

Your U/J's and diffs may have had there life shortened slightly, but hopefully you got away with it.

If it does get stuck before you go jacking it up, drive one side up onto a curb, and then drop it off quickly. Having one wheel in mid air for a brief second as it comes down usualy allows enough time for it to unwind itself. - Other trick is to make it 'take off' by driving over a speed bump quickly :D

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