mad git

New Member
Hi Fellas,
My question is, does anybody know what stops diesel leaking from the stop arm on the distributor pump?? What ever it is don't work any more, and I have a constant drip.
I'm not too sure if I should take it apart and have a look, but I will, unless someone knows better.:rolleyes:

there are two o rings on the shaft that are probably knackered, ive got the manual that shows this , if you give me a private message with your email address i will send it on
Mate don't push, the guy might have more important things to do than give you FREE help and advice alongside his time

He hasn't been online since he posted so maybe something like work cropped up ?
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That sounds a bit like a lecture dude???
I'm ****ed off, right, I've a big box of parts arrived, and I'm off work with a torn muscle in my back..........and I can hardly move....and the box is looking at me :eek:
Not a lecture just a bit of advice

Now if you do want the series 3 parts manual which shows an exploded diagram of bits I have one of those on file
Are you stalking me?? I feel like I'm being stalked, maybe I'm being paranoid in my weakend condition :confused:, However, Mr Evil, sir, if by chance you have an exploded diagram of a series 3 distributer pump, I would be very interested in having a little look :D.
I'll have a flick through the pages

This what you're after ? or have I put the wrong image up, damn things like a thousand pages long

Thanks E, after much staggering and shuffling, I got a photo of the leaky bit

It has a healthy drip while it's running, and continues until the pressure has gone. Steve believes it has a couple of "O" rings, I don't know if they are accessable from outside or not.
Yeah, thanks, I will, I'm tempted to load up on pain killers and go at it :eek:,
Thanks for the help.
Well, I did, I loaded up on tabs, and had a look see. Not as straight forward as one would have hoped for, the shaft is as wriggly as a wriggly thing, and any sealing device attached to it is on the inside...............if I took that bit apart, will anything drop out, I wonder??:(

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