Quick Question, does anone else have inch - inch half free play in there clutch pedal before you can feel anything more then the spring?

i have had alittle search, but we all know how many clutch stories there are on here.

You`re not alone m8 lol
I`m in the same boat
Bought a master cylinder at £100 and had it fitted for £20

Definite improvement for about a week,then back to normal
May try the slave cylinder next although I dread the thought as the gearbox has to come out,so it`ll cost more than £20
I have the same problem on my TD4 05, 25,000 miles new master cylinder fitted tired of bleeding it. Spoke to a mechanic today and he says he cured the problem by bleeding in reverse, ie, a large syringe filled with cluch fluid pushed into the bleed nipple and filling up the reservoir. I have bought a hand pump on Ebay £8 will keep you posted.
I had the same problem with my 51 reg freelander. The "spongyness" or lack of pedal is caused by air entering the hydralic system. This normally enters at the seals in either the master or slave cylinder.

When my pedal started to go i blead the system. This cured it for a few days. "Back bleading" as it is called is often better to expell air as air in fluid rises. Your just helping it on its way, by pushing it from the bottom up. An oil can filled with fluid and a piece of flexible pipe works fine.

Several days later i lost the pedal completely and under close inspection found that the gearbox bell housing had hydralic fluid dripping from it. My heart sank!

Once i had removed the box i was shocked to find that the slave cylinder/realease bearing was not fixed the bell housing or supported in any way. It just sits there!! The only support offered to it is by the hydralic lines themselves. Very mickey mouse!!

Mine wasn't a matched pair although i believe there is a sealed system fitted to some.

I just replaced what was faulty.

Once i had repaired it i sold it!

Hate to say this but i think the box may be comming out.:eek:

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