
New Member
Gday Yella
Its been a long time coming, but way back on post number 20-something, you said a bloke had to have 100 posts before he was allowed to have a go at someone, and I know this is number 99 and all, but I just cant have a go at a bloke that owns a yellow 4WD....I think he has suffered enough...so I takes me 'at orf to ya!

And besides, people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones. Below is a pic of my old tojo courtesy of the Department of Civil Aviation at Melbourne Airport, its previous owner.

Keep on keeping on mate!!


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hey yella you'll soon be up beside me with yer post count. and i'll be expecting a big party when i reach 3000, sometime in the next few days
I kicked over to "Senior Member" when I hit 100!!!!
And yella and slob are still senior members and yella has 1900 and slob has 2500!!!...WTF?
Weeding out the good posts are a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Or perhaps like looking for a piece of hay in a stack of needles!


Hmmm. I've only got 91! I seem to spend half my life on here and I only have 91 to show for it!



You lot think its bad, look at me ive only got 26 post's and i come on most day's. (what a sad life i have):D :D
i could let you join my corespondants course in total bollocks at a discounted rate.this week only we're doing away with the spelling bit. then you could post in total bollocks and you'd have the added advantage to be able to understand the more sutle of my posts
top tip for big col:

just answer every post with the most inane ****e you can think of, before you know it you wil be up in the hundreds ;)

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