I think a lot of it is, we have never fully recovered from the 2008 crash so people sitll dont have any moiney or simply dont wnat tos pend what they have and I wonder if we are slowly heading back towards another one.

Lots of rentals are dumps and I dont get why? theres a few up my road and they never seem to cut the grass, clean their windows, pick any rubbish up of their plot of land.
Then there are the younguns who stand around talking and smoking, no probs i do that as well, in fact its one of my favourite hobbies! but they leave all their fag butts and rubbish on the floor and they live here so its their own street they are messing up!

I think back to when I was much younger and how people lived in not just their home towns and cities but often barely moved streets away from where they grew up, nowadays it just isn't possible to do that, it's hard enough to stay in the same town/city let alone streets away from your family and so it seems, to me anyway, that people are moving around and feel less and less affinity to the area in which they find themselves as it isn't "home" if that makes sense, they're not the streets they played in as kids, they hardly know any of the neighbours to say hi let alone their family or any history.

I think you are right about money being tight, and it's a sad state of affairs that has seen currency devaluation through QE (quantative easing) and inflation through that devaluation as well, other factors on top that I won't go into here but importing the population of Sheffield on an annual basis and trying to house them in existing properties is removing people further from their connections to the areas they live for the reasons I already mentioned, they don't see it as their home and let's face it, with the way the country is going with no end or at least some control of numbers and no sign of anything actually getting better for them with building of affordable properties there seems to be little hope for the future generations and a generation without anything to aspire to or to realistically achieve is a dangerous one!

They will be the ones who bring about a revolution and tear it all down, they are becoming an underclass without steady or stable long term jobs, they will never own property as it is simply not affordable on the low pay and 0 hours contracts that seems to have become the norm of today. Just look at the island here, 2 bed flat just round the corner is £140,000 which sounds cheap until you do the maths, you need 10% deposit so £14,000, still going to cost you £5~7k in fees so you need to borrow at least £130,000 and in order to do that you need to earn at least £35,000 a year and that is £20,000 more than what you will earn on 40hrs a week on minimum wage. Look up mortgage calculators and see what you can borrow on the £15,600 a year minimum wage, it'll make you sick. But even then, just have a look around at what the rents are these days, house shares are at stupid prices for a single room in a shared house will hit you up for £450/PCM and even then you have to hope that they are decent people to live with or it's a nightmare and if you want your own front door then it's double that often and you're still beholden to a landlord.

The politicians screwed this country and I am sorry to say that the only way to end this nightmare is a war and then you need to hope someone who gives a shizzle takes the mantle and writes a constitution set in stone that protects rights and freedoms that stops us from being treated as tax cattle to be exploited and ends the free stuff culture that has ruined society.
I do all of my own work and pure maintenance costs no more than £200 PA I reckon.
Fixing broken/missing things from previous owners, well that’s a lot more.

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