Diesels don't have cats as such, they are classed as particle filters i believe. Don't think diesels run hot enough to fire a cat up. Maybe wrong have a look for info. According to testers manual ONLY petrol vehicles that qualify for a full cat test are checked for the presence of a cat. Only on those vehicles is a missing cat a fail.

My late 2000 diesel has what purports to be a cat Tony. I'd like to remove it but the French test would I'm sure fail it as it's mentioned in the certificate of conformity:(
My late 2000 diesel has what purports to be a cat Tony. I'd like to remove it but the French test would I'm sure fail it as it's mentioned in the certificate of conformity:(

Only way round that Keith is to cut it out, open it, strip out the contents then put pipe through it and weld it all back up. Lot of work though. They are a partical filter, they capture soot a **** and store it. Then when driven at higher speeds burn it off. If you constantly drive at low speeds around town they can get blocked. :)
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and next year the lpg cars will be having to emissions test one on petrol and on gas so fubar either way if the cats are off

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