
New Member
The pig lives on lol:D:D and i'm sooo relieved, skint but relieved:rolleyes: me and cycling don't mix lol, altho going over the cattle grid on the farm track was ermmm interesting;)
burnt/fooked valve was the problem caused by bad set up making engine run way too hot, thats now sorted, new sparks, head gasket and some seals ( i think lol) and she' running like.... well a 30 r old landy really but one that goes and doesn't sound like a bag of spanners:eek:
could have cried at the bill but had to be done, think she's managed to double in value:eek:

but boy o boy does THE MAN have some landies down that place, even he says he has no idea how many!! the place is full of them and old army trucks and stuff :eek:
so am i DG so am i!!
and after driving her a bit more today i can't believe how good she sounds, shows up how bad she was before:eek: may even have to change her name cos she's lost her grunt:eek: she purrs now but i'm defo not calling her pussy:D:eek:
glad to hear it hun and know exactly how you feel mines been gone for a few weeks (new front diff) my first day of driving it today and peeps must have thought i was even more of a fruitcake than normal :D
after 2 weeks driving the sprinter van and 3 days of driving a puma was "pig in sh*t" time today (oh how i love the sound of that td5) :D
lol i 'accidentally' took a wrong turn coming out the end of the lane where the garage is and had to go round the block to get home:D kids just:rolleyes: when i said i was going to kiss her when i got her home lol:p
lol i 'accidentally' took a wrong turn coming out the end of the lane where the garage is and had to go round the block to get home:D kids just:rolleyes: when i said i was going to kiss her when i got her home lol:p

lol i have been ferrying gear from 1 depot to another with the tipper trailer got to the other depot could'nt find the bunch a keys so went all the way back then found um in the clove box :doh:drivin around like a luv struck school girl :D
lol i have been ferrying gear from 1 depot to another with the tipper trailer got to the other depot could'nt find the bunch a keys so went all the way back then found um in the clove box :doh:drivin around like a luv struck school girl :D

yup............... spicy ;)

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