
Lord Hippo
Looks like the yarwell off road site run by protrax has been sold. Does anyone know any more about this? Will the new owner run it as an oft road pay and play site? The site seems to be heavily water logged and has been for a while from looking at video's on you tube. Link below says the site has been sold.

According to the facebook page, it won't be re-opened which is a real shame as it was a great site with plenty for everyone. Tixover remains open and they are re-doing some parts which have become badly chewed up but there's no plans for extra days at Tixover to cover those lost from Yarwell.
I spoke to edd some years ago during an LR experience day and he said they're limited on the number of days they could open at yarwell. I assume it's the same for tixover. Something to do with permission to use the land and keeping locals/council happy. Shame to see yarwell go. The water level seems to be rising and never falls. Even int summer.
Something to do with permission to use the land and keeping locals/council happy

Yeah, a chap who ran a motocross track local to me got shut down as, according to him, he opened it 15 days during last year as opposed to his council allotted 14 days.

Was Yarwell where they held the off road course for lro peterborough show?
Historically they used yarwell for the Lro show. In more recent years I believe they used tixover. Would need to check that by looking on you tube at the routes for different years.
Its been sold to a consortium of villagers who were fed up with the noise and lots of 4x4's using the village (so it definitely will not open to off roaders again).
Real shame as there are so few p&p days now, which will put even more pressure on green lanes :-(

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