Having got the Landy back from Direct Line after its theft we have started adding more security to it. One of the things (I wont list all additions for obv reasons) we have added is the X Defend Pedal Lock. I had a look at a few pedal locks and felt that although others were cheaper and generally made from a thicker gauge of steel I didn't see any other that was fitted to the vehicle full time and no others I saw were made of stainless which is a bigger pain to cut with a grinder. Also with it being a 90 with a dog guard in I didn't want the lock wandering about in the passenger footwell and I didn't want to be in and out of the back of the vehicle everytime I parked it up anywhere. So here are a few pictures of it fitted.


It locates easily and feels very solid when it is in the closed position.


With it in the unlock position I don't find that I notice the hinge underfoot whilst driving. I read a few posts by folk who have fitted it in the past that couldn't get used to it. I am a Joiner so normally have size 12 steel capped boots so maybe that could be it. Decided to fit it through the floor mat as I didn't want to have to cut all of the mat away. It also now stops the mat sliding forward and wedging the throttle open which is nice.


It sits nicely back against the seatbox. They do send you a little catch that you can fit to your seatbox to secure it, but I haven't noticed it trying to move about underfoot. In time I will probably fix some rubber matting to the footwell side of the Pedal Lock. Stepping up on to it in the wet or with wet boots on could be slippy I guess. Would also level it out with the hinge if I am wearing different shoes or whatever.


Only minor niggle was the boot release cable. Where it was fitted meant that the lock wouldn't close. Will refit it at some stage but I don't notice it while driving and it still works as it is. The bonus at the moment is that I can wrap it round the back of the clutch and then it is not easy to get that back out. So a bit more security.

All in all I would recommend it. I does come in kit form which I wasn't expecting. X Eng claim that this is so that you can assemble it yourself and familiarise yourself with the lock, I think it may also be to keep their costs down but who is to say ;).

Does anyone else use anymore of their stuff? I am thinking about a X Defend Gear Stick Lock R380 for Land Rover Defender. I know it wouldn't stop people dragging or lifting it away, I'm just thinking if I buy one of everything, firstly I'll save loads in diesel cos it'll be quicker to walk and secondly hopefully they will pick someone elses to have a pop at.
Hello mate,

Excellent write up. I've got the gear stick lock and would definitely recommend it.

I bought the pedal lock like yours but haven't fitted it yet - when I offered it up to get it flush with the door pillar it was pushing the break pedal in by about an inch - did you find the same?

Cheers - Tim
Awesome item, had one on my last 110 and will be fitting one to my current 130 when it's on the road.

By far the quickest pedal lock to use once installed, and probably one of if not the most secure. :clap2:
I fitted one of these about a year ago and it's never given me any bother at all.

It's easy to use and safe (as it's not a massive chunk of metal to fly around in an accident).

I would fit the little lock the holds it in place though - you would not want the plate thumping you in the back of the foot when offroad or if braking hard.

I also like the fact that it locks without the need of a key.
Hello mate,

Excellent write up. I've got the gear stick lock and would definitely recommend it.

I bought the pedal lock like yours but haven't fitted it yet - when I offered it up to get it flush with the door pillar it was pushing the break pedal in by about an inch - did you find the same?

Cheers - Tim

Can't say I've noticed. It might push it in a bit.

Awesome item, had one on my last 110 and will be fitting one to my current 130 when it's on the road.

By far the quickest pedal lock to use once installed, and probably one of if not the most secure. :clap2:

Yeah, it locates perfectly every time I close it. It seemed a bit clunky on the bench while putting together. But now it is fitted it is a breeze.
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I fitted one of these about a year ago and it's never given me any bother at all.

It's easy to use and safe (as it's not a massive chunk of metal to fly around in an accident).

I would fit the little lock the holds it in place though - you would not want the plate thumping you in the back of the foot when offroad or if braking hard.

I also like the fact that it locks without the need of a key.

I shall give it a look. To be honest I'm not sure even if I did fit it whether I would actually use the latch.
Meant to say you get a 10% discount on ordering if your a member of Landywatch - or at least you did when I ordered mine. Only problem I had was I had to wait about 3 months for them to come into stock!
mine pushes the brake pedal enough to put the brake lights on....with the ignition switched on

....it's a little known optional brake light test feature....quite handy!
What type of lock does it have? Is it one of these? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zy8sEj8etU

More details about it are here. - X Defend Pedal Lock for Land Rover Defender

It mentions an "anti-drill, British Made Lowe & Fletcher RPT Lock."

To be honest it wasn't something I looked into. Maybe give the manufacturer a call unless you think it is a case that all locks of that type are weak. In which case I would of thought they would want to know about it.

It is the same variety of lock. Is unlikely it is the exact same mechanism. I'll have a look into it tomorrow (assuming he hasn't been round with his pen and borrowed my Landy) and see if it is as easy as his silent movie.
I did a bit of googling about that variety of lock. They are being referred to as Radial Pin Tumblers. There are plenty of websites explaining how to pick them, a few mention the pen technique, one website mentioned that this only worked on old versions of these locks.

As I said above I will have a look tomorrow and also send an email off to X-Eng asking for their comments about the lock. We all accept that a master lock pick could come along and pick every lock on our vehicles but the idea of a scrote with the shell of a pen opening it in seconds is different.

I think they are good in that they are easily stowed and used.

The reality is every lock and trick to save a Landy is defeat able - in the extreme a hiab lorry will have it away in seconds.

What it will do is make it a little harder to steal. And I for one have more than one line of Defense to try and stop the scrotes.

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