We use Wynns stuff in the workshop - Oil flush for most engines at service as well as the fuel conditioners as per the Trading Standards guidelines.

Not sure it is worth using this if you use a quality semi or fully synthetic oil though.
most engine flushing stuff is only paraffin,use a higher detergent oil to remove deposits with oil changes,synthetic oil only lasts longer ,a good detergent mineral oil changed regulary will make engine last
We use Wynns stuff in the workshop - Oil flush for most engines at service as well as the fuel conditioners as per the Trading Standards guidelines.

Not sure it is worth using this if you use a quality semi or fully synthetic oil though.

You use these things in the workshop so you can make more profit.

Theya re all snake-oil - no exceptions as far as I can see.
Yea, probably makes us all of about 3 Pounds a service. That doesn't even come close to covering our monthly website hosting bill, let alone all those other costs of trying to run a professional workshop.

It does work, but not an instant solution. Regular oil changes are the best way to keep an engine clean - granted - but after 2 or 3 flushes with the Wynns product (or any professional product), there is a fighting chance that an old abused engine will keep cleaner for longer.

There is science involved - It's not just a best guess product. Trading Standards list an oil flush and fuel conditioner as necessary for a correct service under their guidelines and as TS is the first place a customer runs to, I need to cover myself. I also know which dealerships are using what products, and so if it is good enough for Land Rover, it is good enough for my customers.

As most people buy a Land Rover which has not had its service intervals done at the right time, most engines will need some oil TLC. People miss service intervals thinking it saves them money in the long term, when in fact, they are either losing it or passing costs onto people when they sell their Land Rover.

Anyway, moving on from defending myself, try it and see if it works. Just follow the instructions, and remember there is no substitute for regular oil and filter changes.
I used ZX1 in my RRC and the engine idle revs went up from 600 to a 1000 within 10 mins of using it, so I had to readjust that. Also used it in the disco but didn't see an increase in revs as the engine ECU to care or that but the engine spins a lot smoother.
id be looking to assess the internal condition of the engine first.

if its ultra black then it will need some pretty heavy cleaning.

careful addition of kerosene to the oil will help to loosen deposits, and after enough oil changes it will become reasonably clean inside.

mine was shocking when i first got it, buit now its pretty nice.

i cleaned out the rocker covers cos it was like a barbecue in there, could see any of the valve gear it was so packed with sludge.

then filled it with flushing oil and drove it around carefully for a day or two (although this is NOT recommended on the instructions) and then changed oil and filter to a 50/50 mix of flushing oil and 5w30 oil.

then changed again to 100% 5w30 and ran it for a bit. i use 20w50 mineral now, it s a classic oil so its got high detergent, she keeps herself pretty clean considering the amount of fuel it burns.

I used ZX1 in my RRC and the engine idle revs went up from 600 to a 1000 within 10 mins of using it, so I had to readjust that. Also used it in the disco but didn't see an increase in revs as the engine ECU to care or that but the engine spins a lot smoother.

I use ZX1 in disco and every car and bike I have had for 18 years
had to turn down tick over on disco, up from 750 to 1200 after adding it

bike has more power ( you can feel the extra pull on a bike)

In cars and continental holidays, keeping a check on fuel used, to same place in 2 years, same car, saved me a tank full of fuel to south of France and back

also use it on the bike chain as it does not fling
i think what there talking is called bollox

Sure, but if it is a TD5 or any other where the engine is controlled by an ECU, I want to know how an oil additive can have ANY effect on tick-over.

I think not only is this snake-oil, but the guy involved is a snake-oil-seller.
Sure, but if it is a TD5 or any other where the engine is controlled by an ECU, I want to know how an oil additive can have ANY effect on tick-over.

I think not only is this snake-oil, but the guy involved is a snake-oil-seller.

ITS A 300 TDI !!!

No ECU and manual tickover

If you're refering to me being a snake oil seller, at what point did I tell any one to buy it or where from

ZX1 has been covered on this forum before with same responses, bit to wise to actually suggest that any one uses their hard earned to buy any, just giving my experience , if some one wants to try it fine, if not fine It does not have any concequences for me

A personal choice "to each his own"

just for info watch this

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KY5J0wrAMuY&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube - Extralube ZX1 Micro Oil Metal Treatment and Friction Reducer www.team-zx1.com[/nomedia]http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/<object width=http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/<object width=
ITS A 300 TDI !!!

No ECU and manual tickover

If you're refering to me being a snake oil seller, at what point did I tell any one to buy it or where from

ZX1 has been covered on this forum before with same responses, bit to wise to actually suggest that any one uses their hard earned to buy any, just giving my experience , if some one wants to try it fine, if not fine It does not have any concequences for me

A personal choice "to each his own"

just for info watch this

YouTube - Extralube ZX1 Micro Oil Metal Treatment and Friction Reducer [url]www.team-zx1.com[/url]http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/<object width=http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/<object width=

I've used it (zx1). Ran quieter and more responsive from day I put it in. Makes sense when you read up on it. Oil companies make oil to spec to keep costs down. Certain additives improve on this spec.
300 tdi

the one thats on me profile

Jolly good ... a DIESEL .... with a Bosch fuel injection pump, right?

Here is what you wrote

"I use ZX1 in disco and every car and bike I have had for 18 years
had to turn down tick over on disco, up from 750 to 1200 after adding it"

Now what I want you to tell me and everyone else is this - bearing in mind that the tick-over SPEED of your engine is controlled by a mechanical governor inside the pump, which does nothing other than keep the engine running at the set tick-over speed, how does an oil additive alter the tick-over setting of the governor ?

Do you see what I am TELLING you? The tickover is NOT a fixed THROTTLE setting. It is a SPEED setting controlled within very small limits by the slow-running governor. GETTIT ?

Your additive may have reduced friction (I don't think so as it happens) but even if it did, the tickover speed would stay the same regardless, just using a tad less fuel to do so.

So you saying an oil additive raised the tickover speed of a 300 TDI diesel "from 750 to 1200 after adding it" is Bollox at best, and porky-pies otherwise.

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