So was dave driving in sarah then..I couldn't see him ?

OMG woman...Dave is my DEFENDER- I drive Dave!!:D

Was the knight's name steve ?

There is NO Steve!
Knight is the word I used to describe Neil only I spelt it wrong:eek:

Why is neil a white smurf ?

Don't diss my Knight Neil!!!! :fencing::p:p:p

Oh and thanks for clearing things up Sue ;)

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Dont know what you are laughing at, first you get called Steve, then Knight and finally 110 called you a SMERF :eek::eek::p:p:p:p:p:p:p

By the way, if you get fed up of the white horse, I'll have it :D
burger me, been called a lot worse:eek:

plus smurfs can reach places others cant ;)

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