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OK…….where so I start!!! Ever since I bought my P38 - 2001 (Y) 4.6 LPG, I have been experiencing minor electrical glitches…”No surprise there” I hear you shout…..

The main issue that I want to focus on here today, is that common occurrence of the battery running flat, once again “No surprise there”….. My problem is that the battery does not just discharge, either the alarm switched itself on, or more commonly the indicator lights (all 4 of them) decided to turn on and stay on continuously until the battery is dead……even prompting the police to knock my door at midnight to inform me my lightw were on……

Needless to say , I can be seen jump starting my car most mornings from the trusty little Mazda MX-5….

I have tried to disconnect the battery, this worked……..but I nearly got shanked by my neighbors when I reconnected the battery and the horns decided to start blaring at 07:00, took me several attempts at disconnecting/ reconnecting the battery to figure out that, the bonnet closing, the doors opening and the ignition key being turned all set the bloody horns off…… I finally identified and removed the horn relay while I re-mobilized the engine, then had to reset the windows, sunroof, radio etc…..:doh:

Anyway back to the story, this issue only appears to happen when the weather is damp/wet. When it was freezing or dry I do not have a problem, this I have been led to believe is because the BECM is in an aluminum box under the drivers seat where it gets nice and warm, when the car cools down over night especially as the car is full of leather it gets quite cold/damp and moisture forms on the inside of the BECM casing and this causes the electronics to go haywire……...surely this can be fixed by either a replacement casing made of plastic drilling holes in the becm lid to ventilate it a bit or maybe something as simple as taping some of those packets of crystals you find in shoe boxes to the inside of the BECM lid???? Just a thought…..:D

Anyway I digress……………up until last Thursday when I locked or unlocked the doors using the key fob, all 4 of my indicators flashed to acknowledge, this is usual I believe? Anyway after popping to the shops last Thursday, I parked the car up and went into the house, an hour or so later I was informed that “the lights are on, on your car”, so I went out to switch them off thinking it was the indicator issue once again, however the slide lights were on……I thought I must have left them on so opened the car checked the switch, which was off, checked the indicator stalk it was not on parking lights, funny, I thought and locked the doors, only then did I realize that the indicators did not flash but the side lights did…….WTF I thought, so ever since then when I lock or unlock the doors the side lights now flash and not the indicators?........go on someone….explain that one… :confused:

P.s. I have already disconnected the RF receiver....
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I'd sort out your alarm reciever first. Stops your battery draining off wifi signals that make you car alarm come on and off....
you can set either indicators or sidelights to flash in the becm, i think it may have changed somehow due to you water/condensation issues

the only other explanation is that some wires/plugs are touching or bad connection causing the becm to change settings, set alarm off or other things!!
Whoa!!! thats a good one, it would bug the hell out of me. maybe the becm, i would be looking towards the area that controls the lights that activate when locking and unlocking, not sure what they are triggered off, primerily throught the becm, but i would then think it then feeds some alarm function, ie on older cars a relay gets triggered to flash the lights, then the relay sticks on leaving the lights on.

if no one else can give an answer to that, in the mean time i will have a look through rave and see if i can identify anything and let you know
if it goes therough a relay then you could do with finding out if power is still bieng supplied or the relay is indeed sticking but that doesnt explain the swap from indicators to lights!
Damp carpets? Condensation/corrosion in the BECM connector, corrosion in the connectors/wires under the door sill etc. Probably not damp inside the actual BECM.
is your heater matrix o rings leaking dripping antifreeze onto the carpet by your left foot soaking into the carpet then running back under the becm like mine was [ 2000 m/year 30th aniversary 4.6 ] caught mine just in time
I have read through Rave and looked at the wiring diagrams, there are no separate relays for the indicators like i thought there may be, the indicators are all fed from the BECM, so it could be damp inside the unit.

All the alarm system is controlled by it, i would take the BECM out and remove the cover and check inside.

If it needs cleaning don't use wd40 get a proper contact/ circuit board cleaner.

Have a look on rangerovers.net, it is very good for repairs and give good photo's of the relays and, basically what you will be opening.
Thanks All, I do not have any issues with leaking Heater matrix etc, Overlanderover this was my train of thought, I have already printed off the "de-mystying the BECM" document, so I know where I need to look once I get at it...., just need to get on with it I suppose......

Thanks again...
WD40 and BECM's dont mix.Use either electrical cleaner or Isopropanol (Industrial Alcohol). There is a misconception that WD40 and the suchlike is a "Cure All"..this is way from the truth and in some cases it can do more harm than good, especially with electronic circuitry.
Make sure the connectors are clean and dry. If needs be, remove the BECM and put it in the airing cupboard overnight to dry out slowly. It is possible that the power board is damp and tracking, though they are pretty well protected with a lacquer coating, however if corrosion has occured you will have problems. The BECM has a moisture detect function, whether it is enabled or not requires the BECM to be interrogated by diagnostics, it should be "Enabled"
the moisture detect, is that where the whole car falls apart if you go near a puddle cos i think mine is enabled!!!!!!
Its your RF receiver in the back shelf... its f..... mine did just this at xmas not damp just f..... get it replaced and no more probs.
Its your RF receiver in the back shelf... its f..... mine did just this at xmas not damp just f..... get it replaced and no more probs.

I have already disconnected the RF receiver....still same issues.

Thans Anyway.


Please guys , does any one here know where i can get a circuit board diagram for a NNN500020 ECU for a defender td5 2005 modeld, I NEED TO REPLACE A RESISTOR?


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