Ur like a whore. Haha. How much wouldn't mind payin for a good weekend somewhere put the way I havnt been before like.
A couple of pics from weekend will post more and some vids but pics playing up
I am still finding pine needles everywhere !!!...
Yes back wheel slipped in and then ended up 2 wheels in stream and the bottom of the stream just kept eroding putting me in deeper ..... Was fun though ....
Yes back wheel slipped in and then ended up 2 wheels in stream and the bottom of the stream just kept eroding putting me in deeper ..... Was fun though ....

That's what it's all about though. Good fun and safe recovery.
Yes standard surf watched me winch out and mate behind me get through and thought I can do that .... Er no you can't he actually had to wheels clear of the ground bellied with no ropes,strops shovel nowt ....
If it helps my mate in his patrol with 35s simex fell in that hole and needed a tug back to retry it. :)

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