
This is the first time that the TC has been tested in anger. Having carried out a few miles of 2-5mph over the course of a couple of hours I finally made it to the M25 where she could stretch her legs doing 15-20mph. However I noticed that everytime I pulled away the TC kicked in, even when no other vehicle was sliding and she pulled to the right. After the TC light went out she was fine until she stopped and the process would start again. This happemd for a bout a mile of startstop traffic. What didn't feel right also is that when I put her in neutral and took my foot off the brake she travelled backwards as though she was under engine drive. Once the M25 and I could get up to a normal travelling speed 45-50mph the same situation did not occur again.

Any ideas????

Could a sensor have become frozen sending incorrect information to the TC.
Could a brake caliper have frozen with the same results.

The bottom line is that the TC kicked in when I would really have not expected it to, and she pulled to the right under traction control until the speed reached above 10mph where everything then seemed to be working OK.

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