
Well-Known Member
Recently broke down on the side of the road.had bonnet up but couldn't fix problem so put bonnet back down and rang a mate for a tow home.luckily he could come.while waiting a defender drove past and didn't slow down or ask if I was ok.as I was 10 foot past a roundabout would you of stopped and asked.I'd at least ask if I could help.what would you do?
id stop and offer help

but im not mechanically knowledgable
so would be of no help,
unless u needed a lift to the petty station! haha
Recently broke down on the side of the road.had bonnet up but couldn't fix problem so put bonnet back down and rang a mate for a tow home.luckily he could come.while waiting a defender drove past and didn't slow down or ask if I was ok.as I was 10 foot past a roundabout would you of stopped and asked.I'd at least ask if I could help.what would you do?

flick you the forks on the way past.
If you were driving a series, fender, D1 or D2 then yes I'd stop and offer help.
Any other vehicle then no - unless you're a good looking female with yer tits out.
u had the bonnet down n parked up.
Did you have flashers on?
Was it on fire?
Are you a fit bird wearing short skirt?

...all factors that would influence my decision
flick you the forks on the way past.

that made me proper lol :D

I genuinely do stop and help whenever there is clearly a problem - flat tyre, steam/smoke/fire, or just bad location, ie a roundabout. But whenever I have stopped, they have always said they have been there a while.

One woman was clearly 8 months pregnant, on the inside of a blind roundabout, in a dead, beaten old Transit. Said she had been there about 30 mins, people nearly killing each other to avoid her, right outside a supermarket too! I pulled up, ran into the road, pushed her round the corner to face downhill and told her to pull over somewhere safer. Then ended up towing her to a garage.

Im just nice like that lol, and Ive met some good friends from it too. Its surprising how helping someone in such a small way can have such a big impact on people. And you get a nice warm glow inside too :)
Would anyone stop right on a roundabout? Maybe a clue!

In my experience you should NEVER underestimate some peoples stupidity, personally I would have left the bonnet up to advertise the fact that you had broken down, and not simply pulled over to answer your phone, scratch your bollocks or whatever. But yes I probably would stop and ask if I could help, although again it would probably only be a lift:eek::eek:;););)
I was driving along the A12 last year and came upon a seris half on the verge and half in the carrigeway, I stopped behind and put my amber flashers on and wandered over to see if I could help.
The fella had a puncture and no jack!
10 mins later and i'd changed his wheel and he was on his way.

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