
New Member
Hi All,

I'm just curiouis, if your landy was ever to go walkabouts would you offer a reward for it?

Additionally, if there was a central point where victims could advertise the fact there beloved (landy) had gone missing and offered a reward, would anyone go out of there way to find it? Assuming it's local-ish.

I'd deffo offer a reward. got to be worth at least the insurance excess to get it back. (as long as it's not stripped or knackered)
I'd offer a reward to the thief. I'd spare their life in exchange for both his (or her) kneecaps.
If my vehicle was stolen I wouldn't want it back, who knows how it's been driven? I would happily accept the insurance payout :)
After having Big Blue stolen at the start of the year (recovered though) I'd have offered a reward, it's certainly cost me a lot since getting him back. I'd certainly offer a much higher amount to have the scum sorted out so they'd never steal again.
How many of you would actively visit a website to see if a landy had been nicked in your area so you could keep an eye out for it, or even spend a bit time looking in known hot spots in the hope of bagging the reward??

Reason i ask is that this forum always seems to have people reading...
I'd go out to retrieve a Landy if it was near me and the owner knew I was doing it. I'd happily steal it back and and get it to it's owner and post the thief's details for everyone to see. If I saw someone stealing a Landy, I'd but a dint in their head with whatever shovel/pipe or likewise was nearest.

I wouldn't offer a reward for my car back or expect a reward because that's not the point. The point is to do something good for someone. I think a pint or two might be in order for the person who brought her back to me.
If we al decide to set up a websit offering a reward for Land Rovers to be returned to their owners, it would be an amazing idea..... I'd simply get a load of my mates to steal land rovers. Then I'd get them returned to their owners and take the reward. Sound like a pointless idea, that would only encourage people to steal. Think of it as pirating, only on a smaller scale. Johnny smack head knows he'll get say £200 for returning a landy. Gotta be worth stealing.

****ing stupid idea.
If we al decide to set up a websit offering a reward for Land Rovers to be returned to their owners, it would be an amazing idea..... I'd simply get a load of my mates to steal land rovers. Then I'd get them returned to their owners and take the reward. Sound like a pointless idea, that would only encourage people to steal. Think of it as pirating, only on a smaller scale. Johnny smack head knows he'll get say £200 for returning a landy. Gotta be worth stealing.

****ing stupid idea.

well yes, after all there's no financial incentive to steal land rovers at the moment, it there?
If we al decide to set up a websit offering a reward for Land Rovers to be returned to their owners, it would be an amazing idea..... I'd simply get a load of my mates to steal land rovers. Then I'd get them returned to their owners and take the reward. Sound like a pointless idea, that would only encourage people to steal. Think of it as pirating, only on a smaller scale. Johnny smack head knows he'll get say £200 for returning a landy. Gotta be worth stealing.

****ing stupid idea.

Exactly, by offering a reward it will lead to more theft.
Exactly, by offering a reward it will lead to more theft.

i'm afraid i don't see the logic.

clearly, there's already a substantial financial 'reward' to be had by stealing land rovers, that's why so many are being stolen. So it's not like their isn't already a considerable financial incentive for those so inclined to go thieving them. the kind of people who would steal a car are already stealing them, and i can't see that offering a reward for the recovery of a missing vehicle will inspire otherwise honest individuals to start stealing them just to claim the relatively small reward. It *might* inspire someone to report something that struck them as suspicious though, or for someone who 'heard something in a pub' to pass it on.

my personal opinion is that it would be a bit of a long shot, i'm not convinced it will make a lot of difference but i don't think it would do any harm, and i certainly don't think it would increase the level of theft.
More mixed views!

I think the difference here is that you are assuming the reward is offered in return for information leading to the return of the vehicle, in which case, you could argue that one might consider stealing someone's landy to claim the reward, however I don't support that logic currently.
The other option is a reward for information leading to the identification / arrest of the crim, in which case it makes no sense to steal a landy, and then grass yourself in for a reward!

Saying all that though i think most victims of crime are primarily interested in recovering their property and therefore likely to offer the reward in return for information on the whereabouts of their property...

I am basing the idea (of some kind of website) on the large amount of interest that "Stolen landy" type forums attract and that there is no single place to go, sure their are other webpages, and databases but something like this needs to get the whole LR community behind it to stand any chance of reducing thefts, or increasing the odds of recovering stolen vehicles....
More mixed views!

I think the difference here is that you are assuming the reward is offered in return for information leading to the return of the vehicle, in which case, you could argue that one might consider stealing someone's landy to claim the reward, however I don't support that logic currently.
The other option is a reward for information leading to the identification / arrest of the crim, in which case it makes no sense to steal a landy, and then grass yourself in for a reward!

Saying all that though i think most victims of crime are primarily interested in recovering their property and therefore likely to offer the reward in return for information on the whereabouts of their property...

I am basing the idea (of some kind of website) on the large amount of interest that "Stolen landy" type forums attract and that there is no single place to go, sure their are other webpages, and databases but something like this needs to get the whole LR community behind it to stand any chance of reducing thefts, or increasing the odds of recovering stolen vehicles....

To be honest, i don't think offering rewards for individual vehicles will make much difference, because the number of people who would be aware of the reward and the relevant vehicle details would be limited. it would mostly be folks who read this site and ones like it, and i'd like to think that posters here would give any info or help they could regardless of any reward.

what would be of more use, IMO, would be if everyone who wanted chipped in for one big reward for info leading to the arrest of the organised gang(s) who are facilitating these thefts. someone, somewhere, knows where the vehicles are going, who's breaking or exporting them, or whatever happens to them, it's not just individual scrotes pinching them to sell the bits on ebay.
To be honest, i don't think offering rewards for individual vehicles will make much difference, because the number of people who would be aware of the reward and the relevant vehicle details would be limited.

That's where the website would come in!
This is all valuable feedback though, no point in developing something that won't get used!
I met an ex defender thief a few months ago, said he got £1k for each one he stole.

Incase that helps in anyway :rolleyes:
Not sure it helps a 7 Year old post...LOL.

Did you smack him one?


Oh crap, accidentally messed up the thread order and thought it was new :oops: I didn't, IIRC he was actually quite helpful and my defender hasn't disappeared yet :rolleyes:

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