Oooo i got all excited then, i thought there was new technology to run my Landy on horse poo...I'd be quids in!!! Then i clicked the link :(:D
seems good but i have some serious dobts about that system it just dont seem quite right
"Fitted correctly should give in the region of 20-50% decrease in fuel economy"

Well that's just what we all want isn't it? A device that DECREASES our fuel economy!
hydrogen fuel cells do work and do have some benefits, you can make them yourself. but you'd need so many to make any real difference, that unit makes under 2 litres a minute.. now think about how much air is drawn into a 2.5 engine in the same minute, the hydrogen would be at such low volumes.
They did a hydrogen fuel cell car on top gear a while back, I think it was Honda,JM said it was the future as it had no drawbacks like battery / electric,he thought it was so good it would probably not get off the ground as the fuel companies would never sell the hydrogen as profits would be decimated, also technically no road tax if based on pollution output as there is zero pollution it only produces water.
I think that the fuel companies / governments will always destroy the chance to use any form of cheaper fuels, as they will both loose so much money,only when petrol / diesel is run out will alternative fuels become available, so we have to wait till Mad Max is the scenario, and carry on paying through the nose..
Woss all this horse manure then?

You answered your own question. HHO systems - the new snake oil. Claims to increase 'efficiency' by taking power from your alternator to hydrolyse water then feed the resultant gasses back into the engine... in other words, another way to try and sell idiots a 'perpetual motion' machine.

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