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I have two requirements

1. small storage type heaters on a timer to keep 2 big sheds dry (big shed to keep tools dry and smaller shed to keep cardboard boxes from going damp)

2. a proper heater for the big shed for when i'm working in there in the cold

Machine mart have a 20% "vat free" shopping period on at present too, so, possibly an opportune time to buy.

What would you recommend using?
I've got electrics in the shed so thought something electrical might be a bit safer on the fumes side??
I've got electrics in the shed so thought something electrical might be a bit safer on the fumes side??

I was going to offer a two burner kero heater as we had a few spare at work but theyre all gone, would have cost you nowt as well :rolleyes: but i guess thats not ideal for indoors. Ive got one for in my workshop/shed and it works a treat but i keep the door open
I don't know how big the shed is but you can get oil filled heaters from morrisons and aldi for £29.95. These are good and can be used on a timer to come on when you need.
I got Halogen in my garage - feckin useless - 3 feet away, you is roasting - 4feet and no heat :(.

Anyway you dont need heat in a garage, just something to keep the chill off.
im just about to fit a log burning beer barrel with full flu in my workshop, its stainless steel and about 100 litres capacity it will have a 3.5 inchhole for a 4 inch flume and all sealed with jointing compoud all the way out to the roof jobs a gooden
im just about to fit a log burning beer barrel with full flu in my workshop, its stainless steel and about 100 litres capacity it will have a 3.5 inchhole for a 4 inch flume and all sealed with jointing compoud all the way out to the roof jobs a gooden
now thats more like it fer bump too i woulda thought,
but i frown at halogen heaters - bloody fire risk unattended,
better get them oilfilled heaters for long term background heating,
then crank up the log burner fer tea & bacon sarnies onsite..
way to go eh..

its all in my must do list this year!! :D
I'd say they are a tad to small if your going to use them in a work area , 500 watt even in a caravan don't give off enough heat , should be okay for a storage room , halogen would be your best bet imo,

I was thinking about the 500W ones for anti-frost / keep the moisture out only type heaters?

Then having something else for proper heating.

Log burner sounds like an awesome idea, although maybe a bit too much hassle

The big shed is 11ft x 17ft (approx) log cabin thing and the store shed i need to heat for storage is 12ft by 10ft (i think)
(The other two sheds don't need heating)
i would stick in a log burner. Not that much hassle, stick it on flags for a good distance, pipe up and out of the shed roof. You can buy all the fittings so you don't burn the place down. Obviously, research and do it safely.

Either make your own or you can pickup quality second hand stoves for a couple hundred. You can even buy portable tent stoves new for about 130.
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We did a friends shed a year or two ago and lined it with foil backed plaster board, just a single skin made one heck of a difference.
We left a 1 inch gap at floor level so it doesn't soak up moisture, and put a false floor down with floor foil between joists and floor board.

It is 8 meters long, 2 1/2 wide and 2.2m high and stays comfortably warm in winter on a cheap tesco 240v heater that we end up turnign off after an hour. We did seal up all joints with draft tape and paint over it all.

Cost about £11.00 a sheet i think, or buy a pallet load off ebay for £200
We did a friends shed a year or two ago and lined it with foil backed plaster board, just a single skin made one heck of a difference.
We left a 1 inch gap at floor level so it doesn't soak up moisture, and put a false floor down with floor foil between joists and floor board.

It is 8 meters long, 2 1/2 wide and 2.2m high and stays comfortably warm in winter on a cheap tesco 240v heater that we end up turnign off after an hour. We did seal up all joints with draft tape and paint over it all.

Cost about £11.00 a sheet i think, or buy a pallet load off ebay for £200

My current shed is insulated with loft insulation and then boarded out... That works quite well and might do the same on the big shed, but probably not worth it for the little shed
Well if you are going to be sensible, then you need to figure out heat loss and then work out what's needed.... but stick in a diy burner tis way cooler :D

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