top drive

Well-Known Member
On this pouring with snow day

Those of us lucky enough to have a single garage how have you set it up to use for landy working- mines gives 6m long by 3m wide so little bigger than a standard single. Ive given up hoping to work on the landy inside - she goes in but it makes working on it a nightmare.

I have a second small single at the bottom of the garden for storage. Where ive slowely been striping my parts too and working in the main garage to refurb.

Im thinkng about fold up benches along the side wall ( at the moment i have a small fixed bench at the back)

And roll cabs and shelves along the back wall.

But curious to hear if any of you genius' have come up with anything ingenious as i often see landys in tight spaces being worked on ( although for every one of them i see 5 of them being worked on in barns and other such lovely large sheds )
Don't have a single, sorry. Mine is 18mx10m with a 60 square metre mezzanine level. Still tight on space though as no matter how big it is you will fill it!
Don't have a single, sorry. Mine is 18mx10m with a 60 square metre mezzanine level. Still tight on space though as no matter how big it is you will fill it!

Pfft alright for some, i gotta work in the street :(
Wish i had a garage i could fit my landy in :( mines like 6M by 1.8M or something like that and only 1.9M tall at door so couldn't get landy on heigh or width :(
Ben , i have to let my tires in to get under the door, its exactly the same height as a stock 90
Ben , i have to let my tires in to get under the door, its exactly the same height as a stock 90

Mines standard height and i could never get it under the door! Atleast you can get yours in the garage :(! i guess its okay i have a drive infront so put car on there then can do work on parts in the garage
i also have a single, bit bigger than normal, I try to keep the actual garage as empty as i can, i have an adjoining shed where i keep all my stuff and my workbench I then have a toolbox on wheels with a small vice on for doing little bits on. Works good for me and I alway have enough space to work on the 90.
We have large stable and barn. Move in in the summer, Move out for winter so's wifes horses and stock of hay can move in. (wish it were the other way around!)
-So my series 2 rebuild is oot in the snow at mo. (sob!):(
We have large stable and barn. Move in in the summer, Move out for winter so's wifes horses and stock of hay can move in. (wish it were the other way around!)
-So my series 2 rebuild is oot in the snow at mo. (sob!):(

Store the Hay outside on Pallets. and cover well. or better yet sell the horses to Findus.
Oh the luxury of a big garage ............. i'm stuck working on it outside :(

BUT my mate has a big garage with over head crane and inspection pit if the weathers too bad :p
I have access to a 2 storey workshop with enough room for about 4 landies at ground floor. But some fooker keeps it full of firewood and tat. and won't knock the wall down to put garage doors in. :mad:
No clutter is the key. Mine is a similar size to yours, I keep it as empty as possible. Well organised and laid out storage is crucial, but not in your working area. I have an imaginary line across my garage that is about 1.5m from the end wall. Everything must be kept behind this line, work bench, tool boxes, jack, axle stands, welder etc. Any vehicle that sits still round here for more than 5 minutes starts getting loaded up with all the clutter that builds up in the garage. Anything else goes in the shed, one end for panels and big stuff, other end for boxes of stuff, bit in the middle opposite the door for things in and out a lot (bikes, lawn mower etc). It takes a bit of work and discipline to keep on top of it but it does pay off.
had a garage fer years before I retired early& moved to the coast.
vowed never to have a garage again... :(

now all the kids have left, this summer will see me moving fences & gates back down to originel place at end of property/garden, digging up the right side of me lawn & concreting it over, all 50 odd feet of it!!!
so, every 6 foot or so, I will drop in the ground some lengths of verticle soil pipe ending at surface level along one side,
so I can then drop posts in at a later date,
and TBA width (disco plus wide) then another lot @ 6feet intervals again matching tother side :confused::confused::confused:

because of strict planning codes here, its a full blown palava getting planning permission fer a "large" (read disco sized) garage, so will erect a tall, no, very tall car port wiv covered roof, but BIG...
I can have my fence on one side be it 6 foot plus tall,
and end wall same hight.
during cold weather I plan something like an HGV curtain sider slide thing !!!
then all it needs is 2 doors to drive through.
the doors & curtain sider can be left open in nicer weather, or if I get a "visit"

of course, over time the curtain sider just may disintigrate, to be replaced by "temprory" walling !!!

jus hope I dont kill meself doing it all, as it all be wasted then...

all because the man loves milk tray or disco doosels.. :)
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I fit 2 landys and a car in my garage with work area and loads of tools

Get a bigger garage is my advice

Rent your small one and you rent a bigger one ???

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