
Hi all,

Just joined the forum, I've just bought a Defender 90 TD5, unfortunately not yet in my possession as I pick it up next week.

The main reason I've bought it is because I have a woodland in Wales which is inaccessible in the Vauxhall van I currently have, which means a lot of work to bring out wood fuel for my woodstove at home!

But I can see that the woodland won't be the only use for my new Landy ... am thinking Scottish holidays etc. and have been watching some pretty crazy videos of "green laning", although I don't think I'll be giving that a try for some considerable time!

Nice to meet you all anyway. Looking forward to learning lots! :)

These are slippy! First time I stepped on it I ended up wacking my shin! I just baught 3m of grip tape off ebay, the rubber type for boats and stuck it on, only cost about £5 and solved the problem. I got them when I was getting my rear crossmember replaced so the guy who did that just shot them on, he said it was an easy job. You just unbolt the sill and these bolt to the chassis, all bolts come with the sliders.
Thanks mate, I found the 90 ones, even nicer price!

I might give them a go, putting some on myself seems like a good way to start my Defender adventure, start as I mean to go on eh! Just didn't fancy paying £300 for some steps right from the word go.

Might check out the rubber grip tape, have you got a link for that too? (Don't ask much do I, hehe)

Hmmm I see what you mean about the height ... I'm a bit of a short-arse at 5'9" and I have to pull myself up by the steering wheel, so I could do with something a bit lower, really ...

*strokes chin* :D
Yea, mine were more to protect the sides and the sill was rusted so bit the bullet and went for them, I'm a fan but there v heigh. Especialy if you go for bigger wheels etc

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