Ho hum, poor use of tools, incorrect tools used for the job. A lot of wasted effort. My woodwork teacher would have given you a clip round the ear for that if he was feeling kind.
Ho hum, poor use of tools, incorrect tools used for the job. A lot of wasted effort. My woodwork teacher would have given you a clip round the ear for that if he was feeling kind.
Haha, ye I know the tools I used especially the massive saw are not the correct ones but it did the job in the end.
i'm going to have a watch later on, i haven't seen your land rover videos yet.
To be honest i watched the one about the bike and then the bench, but i didn't finish either, they were a bit rambling and off the point to hold my attention.
I only mean that as feedback and not criticism, its great to see someone making land rover related content, and after some practise you'll get the hang of the presentation.

look up the youtube channel for ILIKETOMAKESTUFF
that guy presents things quickly and informatively and its really engaging, even if what he makes isn't that interesting.

Keep it up

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