
New Member
Any ideas at all what this could be. Its a low - woo - woo - woo noise and I can only hear it when sitting in the back of the car with the radio off. Don't sit in the back often so don't know if its always been there but I'm pretty good at picking up on these things. I can hear it at low speed and it seems to go in time with the whell going round as gets faster when I pick up sepeed......
You weren't driving this by any chance were ya :suspicious:?

You chaps are on form today!!! :D

Right, your noise is more than likely from the back axle. List includes:

Rear differential
Wheel bearings
CV joints

There is a possibility it is a VCU bearing on the main propshaft.

If you are not handy with the toolbox then I recommend you get it to the garage for a check up as soon as practical. The reason is, if its the rear diff then this could mean the VCU is siezing and that needs addressing as soon as possible, otherwise its going to get very expensive.
Other possibilities
Brake shoe retaining clips: ive had one of these shear before, allowing the shoe to sit off the backplate and giving me the same symptons.

Corrosion from your brake drum lip catching the backplate.
sawtoothing of rear tyres. swap the wheels front and back and see if the noise changes. Mite be first signs of VCU heading west - best to check that as well.
Had same noise in my case changed the tyres front to back noise went away but when we checked the VCU it had siezed

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG1O4bZNrcU"]YouTube - WANDERLY WAGON[/nomedia]
edit:just watched that ,we had such **** telly channels over here
this was another gem [nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWpRD_il9s8"]YouTube - Bosco - Opening Titles[/nomedia] .
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