You are required to keep records of date and amount you use, these records don't have to be submitted to anyone, but if HMRC do visit you have to show them if asked.

In reality you don't have to register what you are doing, so are only likely to get a visit if someone grasses you up (thinking it's illegal),
and most of the time they are only looking for red diesel, once they know it's veg/bio they don't often ask any more questions.
.. and in euros that was ??? Just making sure of the price comparison for my up-coming trip to france.:):)

In France you'll pay about 1 euro and 20 cent per litre. Say a nice round English pound!!! When you want to fill up, look for supermarkets most of them have a filling station and the price is reasonable. Don't use AutoRoute stations you'll only be fleeced. Even if you have to leave the AutoRoute to fill up it's going to be a lot cheaper.
In France you'll pay about 1 euro and 20 cent per litre. Say a nice round English pound!!! When you want to fill up, look for supermarkets most of them have a filling station and the price is reasonable. Don't use AutoRoute stations you'll only be fleeced. Even if you have to leave the AutoRoute to fill up it's going to be a lot cheaper.

Thanks for that. I was in Germany a few weeks ago, fortunately quite near to the Luxembourg border, so you can guess where I chose to fill her up!! Next month we are off to Brittany.:):):)
Don't forget your hi-vis vests. One for everybody in the car, and a spare!!! I suppose just in case you pick up a hitcher... Oh and you'll need two breathtilisers. If you get stopped by the Frog Bobbies you get a nice little fine if you don't have them with you. The fine's not set and how much it'll cost you will depend on how the guy is feeling on the day. If you have the above he may not worry to much about the cute little blackout strips for your head lights!!! Anyway happy holiday....
Oh you can buy the beer meters in filling stations not that dear, or if you're going over on the boat they should have them too.
Oh you can buy the beer meters in filling stations not that dear, or if you're going over on the boat they should have them too.

Thanks for the reminder. I'm fully equipped as we go over to France very regularly - so far, I have not been stopped by plod but I am always very careful to remove the speed camera detector off the satnav! I try not to give him an excuse to meet me. With all the requirements for driving in France one of my rear side boxes is almost full! I've even got camera/recorders fitted front and rear - just in case. For this visit I have invested in a SANEF toll gadget as I get fed up doling out cash at their motorway booths.
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